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England's 'one-sided' Ashes victory not worth celebrating

August 28, 2013 08:58 IST

The English media has claimed that the current Ashes victory was not worth a lot of celebration since England won the Ashes in the most convincing fashion, without having to fight.

According to The Guardian, England's win in 2005 was celebrated by the nation, even by those with only a peripheral interest, for England had overcome one of the finest of all teams.

After the third Test the series had lost interest

August 28, 2013 08:58 IST
 England's captain Alastair Cook lifts the replica Ashes urn and celebrates with teammates after the fifth Ashes Test ended in a draw and England won the series 3-0 at the Oval cricket ground in London on Sunday

In 2009 they turned the series round, came back from a heavy defeat and won the decider in fine style, the report said.

However, the report added that after the third Test in the recently concluded Ashes, the series had lost most of its interest value.

England's win good for cricket

August 28, 2013 08:58 IST
Alastair Cook of England celebrates with fans

Meanwhile, the Australian media has claimed that England's success in four of the past five Ashes series is a good thing for cricket, after long years when their national team under-performed.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, it is good for cricket that England now has a flagship team that can keep inspiring the community and stave off the monster that is football.

The report said that England's timidity and negativity provides greater entertainment in the form of close-fought matches and England have paid Australia the great compliment of fearing them.

To win in the return Ashes, Australia would have to rely on the favour of home conditions, the report added.