Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli has posted his review for Anushka a Sharma’s latest production, Bulbbul. The Netflix horror film was released on Wednesday.
Virat is all praise for the film. “Loved this moving story told in a brilliant way. Bhai behen on fire @anushkasharma @kans26. Out now please don’t miss it guys. @officialcsfilms,” he captioned his post which included the film’s poster.
Bullbul is directed by Anvita Dutt, and saw actors like Tripti Dimri, Avinash Tiwary. It is Anushka and her brother Karnesh’s latest production after the grand success of Paatal Lok.
Virat had written about that show as well. “Having watched the whole season of PAATAL LOK a while ago, I knew it’s a masterpiece of story telling, screenplay and tremendous acting. Now having seen how people loved it too, just confirmed how I saw the show. Proud of my love @anushkasharma for producing sucha gripping series and believing in her team along with our bhaiji @kans26 . Well done brother.”