Former India captain and legendary opening batsman, Sunil Gavaskar will release the biography of former Indian cricketer and his idol M L Jaisimha in Hyderabad on Monday.
Titled, My way--The biography of the "gay cavalier", of Indian cricketer and former Hyderabad and South Zone captain, will be released at the M L Jaisimha Cricket Academy at Secunderabad.
While the Little Master will be the chief guest, V V S Laxman will be the guest of honour and receive the first copy of the biography, written by A Joseph Antony, special correspondent from The Hindu along with Jayanthi Jaisimha, wife of the departed stalwart, the academy announced in a press release on Sunday.
Jaisimha, who passed away on July 7, 1999, had also served Indian cricket as national selector. He was also a TV commentator.