Former India captain and chief selector K Srikkanth has hoped that some of the Cricket Association of Bengal's annual awardees would make the cut and lead India like Sourav Ganguly.
"Ganguly has been one of the greatest captains of India and he's sitting beside me on the stage. I hope few of the cricketers who are receiving awards will try to emulate Ganguly and lead India in future." The former chief selector also said Eden Gardens is the best venue in the world to play cricket.
"Eden Gardens is the greatest place to play cricket in the world I would say. I've very fond memories of here. It's always lovely come back here. It's good to see so many young cricketers receiving awards," Srikkanth said at the ceremony.
Terming it a great day for any Bengal cricketer, CAB joint secretary Ganguly said during their young days they always looked forward to this day.
"Since my U-15 days we used to look forward to this day to get the recognition for what we have done all these years. I think your success will be CAB's success," Ganguly said.