Delhi Police chief Dr K K Paul has promised to work out a way, in consultation with the Board of Control of Cricket in India, so that Herschelle Gibbs and Nicky Boje could be part of the South African team for the Champions Trophy, to be held in India in October.
He, however, said he hasn't received any communication from either the International Cricket Council or BCCI in this regard.
Gibbs and Boje are wanted for questioning in the match-fixing case that was registered by the Delhi Police in 2000. Former South Africa captain Hansie Croje, who died in an air crash, had admitted accepting money from bookies but denied throwing matches and was banned for life. Gibbs and Boje were also examined by an independent commission of inquiry, set up by the South African government, and banned for various periods of time for allegedly having a role in the match-fixing scandal.
"I am not aware of any directive from the International Cricket Council to BCCI. Let the BCCI approach the Delhi Police and then we would see how this matter could be addressed," Dr Paul said in an exclusive conversation with on Tuesday night.
Gibbs and Boje pulled out of the South African team's visits to India in 2004 and 2005 fearing arrest, as the Delhi Police refused to assure the BCCI and United Cricket Board of South Africa that it would not arrest them.