Indian Test captain Anil Kumble, who led the team in the controversy-ridden series against Australia, said playing good cricket was the best way to counter sledge.
"I believe cricket can do the talking. It is the best way to counter sledging," said Kumble, who was in Dubai on Wednesday as the brand ambassador of Manipal University.
Kumble said the war of words should be restricted to the cricket ground.
"Word duels have always been there. It is nothing new to cricket or any sport. I firmly believe that whatever happens on the field should remain on the field," he was quoted as saying in Gulf News.
Asked about the team's aggressive approach, Kumble said the "approach is not new to Indian team. It is wrong to say that in the past we were not aggressive."
Kumble praised the one-day squad for their tri-series win in Australia.
"The youngsters are highly skillful and they have done well. We have now shown the confidence and skill and executed it perfectly in Australia, especially in the one-dayers," he said.
On the large-scale infusion of money in the game, he said the "money in sport is good and I don't think it will affect the youngsters.
"Of course, when you compare cricket with other sports in India, then it is big. Now cricket can be chosen as a career option and this will bring professionalism into the game."
Kumble, 59 short of reaching the milestone of capturing 1000 international wickets, said he was looking forward to do well in the home Test series against South Africa. "Right now my focus is on winning against South Africa and not reaching a personal milestone," he said.