Union Minister and Mumbai Cricket Association president Vilasrao Deshmukh has said that the decision to ban actor Shah Rukh Khan from entering Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium for five years had been conveyed to BCCI, and "let it consider it".
MCA's decision followed fracas at Wankhede on May 16 after an IPL game, where Shah Rukh allegedly manhandled security personnel.
When asked how MCA would respond if BCCI were to set aside the ban, Deshmukh said on Saturday: "Where is the question of (BCCI questioning) the validity (of MCA decision)?....BCCI is our parent body. It has its own set of rules. IPL is their brainchild... their baby. We have merely rented out our ground to them," he told PTI.
"We have reported our decision to BCCI. Now let them at least sit on that.....consider it. How can I comment before that?"
He also added that one of the proposals discussed at the MCA meeting on Friday was to impose a lifetime ban on the actor at the Wankhede.