Now, the chairman of selectors, not secretary to convene selection committee meeting at home
The chairman of selectors will replace BCCI's general secretary as the convener of selection meetings, the Committee of Administrators (CoA) directed on Thursday, continuing the reforms mandated by the Supreme Court-appointed Lodha Panel.

For overseas tours, the meetings will be convened by the administrative manager, stated a fresh set of directives from the CoA.
The directions clearly state that the secretary, from now on, will not be allowed to attend any selection meeting and his approval will also not be necessary for clearance of replacements in the team.
The decision effectively makes the secretary's position redundant as the selection committee came under secretary's jurisdiction as per the old constitution.
The move is in consonance with the spirit of Lodha reforms where it has been mandated that selection and cricketing matters be handled by specialists.
During overseas tours, the administrative manager will convene the meetings, in case required, to announce teams.
"The Committee of Administrators have been informed that the practice of the Hon. Secretary convening and attending selection committee meetings has continued
even after the New BCCI Constitution has become effective," the CoA stated.
"Further, it is learnt that the selection committees continue to address emails to Hon. Secretary to seek his approval in relation to any change or replacement in the team(s). Similarly, the selection committees continue to address e-mails to the Hon. Secretary seeking his approval on travel arrangements and posting for selectors to watch and attend cricket matches," it wrote.
Accordingly, with a view to ensure that the affairs of the BCCI are carried out in
accordance with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and the new BCCI constitution, the Committee of Administrators considers it is necessary to issue the
following directions:
1. Except on Overseas Tours, the Chairpersons of the respective Selection Committees shall convene the meetings of the Selection Committees viz. (i) Men's Selection Committee, (ii) Junior Selection Committee and (iii) Women's Selection Committee. On Overseas Tours the Administrative Manager shall convene the meetings in accordance with the relevant provision of the New BCCI Constitution. Neither any officer bearer nor the CEO shall attend any Cricket Committee
2. The Chairpersons of the respective Selection Committees or Administrative
Manager (in case of Overseas Tour) shall prepare true and accurate minutes of
every meeting and after the team or a selection or change/replacement is
announced, the Chairperson shall forward the said minutes of the meeting, duly
signed by him to the Hon. Secretary so that the Hon. Secretary can keep and
maintain records.
3. The Selection Committee does not need any approval either from the Hon.
Secretary or the CEO in relation to any selection made or change or replacement in
the team.
4. The CEO will make the travel arrangement and other arrangements required for
travel and posting of selectors to watch and attend cricket matches and e-mails in
this regard shall be address to the CEO.