January 12, 2004 | 13:10 IST VB Series (Ind, Aus & Zim) Parthiv is best bet: Healy [ web.mid-day.com ] Streaks bowlers command respect [ web.mid-day.com ] Zero to hero [ web.mid-day.com ] Right on top [ htcricket.com ] Master and commander [ cricketnext.com ] The McGrath-Warne factor [ cricketnext.com ] Blond locks and two smoking barrels [ smh.com.au ] Held Waughless, the SCG diehards cast around for a new crop of heroes [ smh.com.au ] Aus clamours for Warnes comeback [ htcricket.com ] Clarke the iceman cometh [ foxsports.news.com.au ] No need for more coaches [ foxsports.news.com.au ] Lee calls on Lillee [ bbc.co.uk ] Lee on the outer [ foxsports.news.com.au ] News from England The 24 hours that rescued Hussain [ independent.co.uk ] Hussains place divided the tour selectors [ independent.co.uk ] Fletcher steers the right path - Atherton [ telegraph.co.uk ] England face demanding SA schedule [ telegraph.co.uk ] Home-loving boy who could be a real man of the world [ independent.co.uk ] Simon Jones ready for action [ bbc.co.uk ] Plenty to build on if England learn to kick the habit [ guardian.co.uk ] Indias burgeoning success has created a new world order [ guardian.co.uk ] Miscellaneous Rayudu to lead India in under-19 World Cup [ cricinfo.com ] Slow coach [ guardian.co.uk ] Sri Lanka reeling from death link [ telegraph.co.uk ] Waugh gives Thornely his chance [ smh.com.au ] Story of Cricket Part II: Aus & NZ [ bbc.co.uk ] Cricket overhaul will mean job cuts [ iol.co.za ] Yesterdays links >>Also: The World of Sport >> Contribute an interesting link