A court has suspended all newly elected office-bearers on India's cricket board, including president Ranbir Mahendra, because of the alleged misconduct of the board elections held last month.
The Madras High Court on Friday appointed retired Supreme Court judge S.Mohan as an interim administrator to run the affairs of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) until the case was decided.
Earlier Reports
BCCI office-bearers restrained
BCCI to move Supreme Court
The Madras court had last month asked S.Mohan to oversee the BCCI elections to ensure that there was no disqualification of candidates or voters by the outgoing office-bearers.
But it later reversed the order after the BCCI gave an undertaking to the court that there would be no disqualifications of any candidate.
"The board misled the court by not mentioning anything about voters in their undertaking and then disqualified a Maharashtra Cricket Association member from voting," Chidambaram said.
"So we went to the court and asked them to review their decision." Ranbir Mahendra won the election after outgoing president Jagmohan Dalmiya used his casting vote after the contest with central minister Sharad Pawar ended in a tie.