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Pitch preparation
May 12, 2003

This subject is best covered in a training seminar.
Some key points are:
· Pitches need to be thoroughly moistened to 100mm or more in depth at the start of preparation.
· Check the moisture during preparation using a core sampler or a screw driver.
· Use a heavy roller for the first 2-3 days, keeping grass in good condition.
· Control the drying of the pitch between 11.00am and 3.00pm by covering with coarse weave jute, throughout the preparation.
· Crush the grass foliage after creasing stops.
· Shorter preparation times are better than long ones.
· Adjust the amount of grass foliage left on the surface, and the degree of bruising, depending on the length of the match.
· Some soils have more potential for producing good pace and bounce than others.
These points need to be explained in more depth at a training seminar so they are fully understood.
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