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August 27, 2002 | 1230 IST

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Rahul Dravid - The Unsung Hero

Name: MJ Gautam

Comments: Rahul Dravid is the best batsmen in the current Indian team. He is better than Sachin or Saurav. Please don't compare him with VVS. VVS is no way closer to Rahul in batting skills. VVS should be dropped from team.

Laxman is a lucky (or politically backed) batsman. Nobody else got so many chances. VVS is praised as "stylish" etc. I don't see any consistency after 40 Tests.

Coming back to Rahul Dravid, he is a true team player. He was dropped from one day squad, but, he fought his way back in. For team purpose, he is keeping wickets. Those jokers, say, he is not one day cricketer. I'll be happy to see him lead India one day.


Comments: It was gr8 to read about the unlucky guy....he definately never gets his share of publicity.
We need a bit more exhaustive reding and comparisions to rate him above or at least at par with big guys like Tendulkar and Gangly. Whenever he has played a stupendous innings, he has always inspired one of his own mates to play better. Poor "Wall".
I wish him all the luck and stay there like the rock of Gibraltar!!

Name: Manjeet Bathe

Comments: Excellent Statistics....Dravid definetely is The Unsung Hero. I remember Dravid playing some remakable innings to save and win matches for India. But most of the times his performance is overshadowed by some other player performing better and the hero remains unsung.....remeber his wonderful knock of 142 against west indies where Sourav ended up making 183. Everyone sung the applause for Ganguly and few praised Dravid. This is not the only incident...there are many.....and the hero still remains unsung.

Name: Patil

Comments: Its an excellent article that gives pleasure to go though. Its true without him India's performance would have been poorer that what it is now. Always dependable unlike Tendulkar, whose outside record is not so good(even Sunny expressed this view serveral times recently). Media is the not so transperant towards him becuase of there egos. I beleive he deserves more credit than Tendulkar or Ganguly (who plays once in a while off late) and definately should be given the chance to lead Indian Team.

Name: chintu

Comments: I am an out and out Bombay guy living in NZ. But when it comes to picking out the best Test batsman in the Indian team I have always said that Rahul Dravid is the one. Tendulkar is good but when it comes to the time of need he is not as good as 'The Wall'.

In alien conditions, when the batsman is challenged to look at every ball and needs to play based on its merit, Dravid rules. Dravid has a flaw when the ball is spinning away from him but I guess here is where he should learn from Tendulkar.

Another aspect of Dravid's attitude that needs a little modification is singles. He should score at 3-4 runs an over as that gives the advantage to India whereas scoring slowly could be adverse to his and Indian cause when wickets fall quickly.
Krish Shekaran

Name: Bannai Sudheendra

Comments: I do beleive in what ever you had said.I had seen him in one of the practice matches as India seniors play with India A and India B.

Since that day I had seen from the day one in one of those practice matches I beleived that he had the stuff to be a international calibre and since then I had seen him going thru the kinds of patches which I think only Robin Singh had gone thru and rest all as I beleive that had a mere cake walk compared to Rahul or Robin both alike tough and commited towards the sole and whole purpose of being in the game which is winning.

I think Sachin and Ganguly draw a lot of inspiration from Dravid.As by the time they arrive at the crease the situation is already under control with the help of Mr.Reliable.

I also am of the opinion that Dravid is in the league of Sobers,Bradman,Greame Pullock,etc.,.

I also beleive that the combination of Sachin,Dravid and Ganguly is the best which any team can dream off.Which is supplemented with the likes of Laxman and others and this is the Golden era of Indian cricket.

Name: Rajesh kumar

Comments: Very True

Dravid is the Unsung hero of Indian cricket now a la Vengsarkar.

Technically perfect, level headed, non controversial and articulate and above all highly consistent in both forms of the game, he is certainly captaincy material for the future.

Best Wishes to him from a Bangalorean who has followed his crickecting career right from his SJCC days

Name: Krish Sridhar

Comments: The article on Rahul Dravid was simply superb. Every one always talks about the Tendulkar's, Ganguly's and Laxman's but no one ever mentions the exploits of Dravid.

Even when you look into that epic innings of Laxman's 283, it is because of Rahul he could accomplish that task, had Rahul perished in the early stages, India would have lost the series, unfortunately many people do not talk about Rahul's century contribution, but all praise Laxman's efforts and give him the credit for the series win. It was Rahul at the other end who gave lots of encouragement and saw that India did not lose a wicket on that particular day.

Why even in the second Test in the present series no one spoke much about Rahul's century where as the press was agog with Sachin's 92, it is a shame that press is so biased to one particular sports person, here i am not belittling either Sachin, Laxman or Ganguly, but only expressing my anguish, the way we have treated Rahul and his exploits.

And you have rightly coined the caption THE UNSUNG HERO. All credit should go to Rahul though the media does not highlight his exploits he goes on and on and on accomplishing one goal after another.

There is no doubt that Rahul is one of the greatest batsman to have ever played for India. Critics do not approve Rahul's approach, they say he gives too much importance to the technicalities, the same critics used to criticise Krish Srikanth who never used to bother about Technicalities, critics are double edged, they are all hypocrites.

Name: Srikkanth

Comments: This artical is definetly an eye opener for many who think that he's not a good player. He's got the true ebility and determination to serve the country.He's the true CRICKETER for me.
He may not be better than Tendulkar's...Lara....but definetly equal to them in all aspects. We just see Tendulkar scoring a century in one match and getting out for less scores in other macthes but we dont see Dravid's consistency.
And he's doing his job of acting like a he comes in at No.3.
There should be no doubts on his abilities. Krish Sridhar

Name: Biman Ghoshal

Comments: For all his achievements, Dravid always carries the look of the condemned, like he has just heard that he has been handed the capital punishment. "Why even try?" would be the influence of his moroseness on his team mates as they head into the field. Aside of that he is dogmatic and lacks the spirit to innovate. Assuming that he IS able to motivate his players to perform, his strategies as a captain might reflect his approach as a batsman and we would see a string of drawn matches. Defensive game plans that would not feature any desire to win. If Gavaskar had problems with Nasser Hussein's tactics in India, I wonder what he'd say about Dravid's :P

That leads you to wonder why we want to make a Captain out of anyone who manages to score a few runs or take a few wickets. It reduces the player to a psychiatric wreck with obsessive compulsive behavior. Like compulsively scoring ducks. Look at what happened to Sachin. He suddenly grew holes in his bat. Sachin's usefulness as a batsman is more important to us than his attempt at winning friends among his team mates (and if possible, the opposition). He was made the captain just because he scored runs. A captain's should be considered a specialist slot and not too closely linked with his batting/bowling form or ability. Australia persisted with Mark Taylor even when he was averaging somewhere close to 0. If a captain can consistently win us matches, who cares if he takes to field on crutches? Of course it helps if he can play a bit :)

I think we should save Dravid the trouble of visiting a psychiatrist and continue with poor old Ganguly who presently has the bit in his mouth. Although he suffers from a bit of foot-in-the-mouth and some definite lack of memory (sometimes he forgets that some of the players in his team can bowl and occasionally sets a leg-spinner's field for an off-spinner) and lack of imagination, but he has guts, a killer instinct and can cuss as good as the opposition - a very refreshing change from your usual India Captain. I think Dravid and Ganguly would look to retiring from Test Cricket about the same time so Ganguly can go on protecting Dravid and I am sure we shall find some other village idiot to groom as a future captain by that time.

Name: Vikas Gupta

Comments: Definitely Rahul Dravid had been a unsung hero,but a real hero I must say.He has come to India's rescue on numerous occasions specially outside the sub continent.But he gets overshadowed by the playes like Tendulakar,Ganguly because of their sheer agrresiveness.

Nonetheless Dravid is the back bone of Indian team one can say.he may not be one of the aggressive playes around but he is certainly one of the most consistent among the lot.India can certainly depend on him for the times to come.


Comments: The feature on Rahul 'Wall' Dravid is extremly good. It is unfortunate that most of his achievements are overshadowed always. But he is the best. Probably he is the only cricketer with 'spirit' and has always been an unsung hero'.


Comments: I am very glad that this article has pointed out the greatness of Dravid. We never get tired of praising Sachin for his achievements. Sometimes even at the expense of the contributions of players like Dravid.

He is one helluva player. I am very happy that he is such cool minded team man. He has become a big asset to the 1 day team too. What with double nowadays.

I wish you greater success. I am sure that your place will br amongst the all tne time greats.

Well played in this test. I will rate your innings the best.


Comments: Dravid is the really the best playyer in case of technique as well as shot selection. But he should not be criticized for his batting in one dayers. It is said he has never won matches but really he has always contributed in all his innings. Actually, he deserves all the credit b'coz of the consistency he has. Now, as a keeper, he is worth more than a all-rounder. He is versatile, excellent, always dependable* reliable..
keep the good work on ..

Name: Jyothi Vinod

Comments: Your article on Rahul Dravid very justly, highlights the abilities of a sportsman who was a force to reckon with even in his school days.

A Bangalorean myself, I've had the privilege of playing against St. Joseph's High School on a couple of occasions and it was fascinating to watch Rahul bat even back then and I remember students in drones would come down during the lunch break to watch him. Then, and I'm talking 1985-1986, it was only a matter of time before he made it to the Ranji side, even with the fact that Karnataka was probably the strongest even back then, what with the likes of S.Vishwanath, Arjun Raja etc.

That he has progressed to become the vice-captain of the national side, does not come as a surprise at all. It was indeed a pleasure to watch him bat, especially away from home! I'm sure he has a long way to go and will find his place among the superstars!

Name: Anuj Davalbhakta

Comments: That was a really nice appreciation to a player who truly deserves it. The most striking feature of Dravid's career is his come back after Mr. Rungtha's failure to bring in the pathetic player called Gagan Khoda.

And the most remarkable quality of his personality is his cool and calm nature, both on and off the field. He replies to his critics with his bat unlike his friend, colleague and captain, Mr. Ganguly. Even before Natwest series 2002, people had written articles saying Dravid doesn't deserve a place in Indian ODI team.

However, Dravid was the most successful wicket-keeper in the tournament along with his masterful batting performances (with one 'man of the match' award).

Name: Santhosh

Comments: Dravid, the Master I would say. I think cricket is all about CONSISTENCY. And I would say, nor Tendulkar or Ganguly can match upto Dravid in that department. Dravid is also more technically adept.

If you ask me, to select either Tendulkar, Ganguly or Dravid. I will surely opt for Dravid, cause CRICKET IS CONSISTENCY. And Dravid is the most consistent player than any other Indian players now.

Name: Raghu Koratagere

Comments: Befitting title. Though he has not become a captain from vice captain, he certainly have become a fort from the wall. In india's scanty success stories, he is always there. If not for him, indian team would join invertebrate kingdom.

He has contributed so much that Test match with out him is unimaginable. He has taken the call and contributed as wicket keeper too. That is the spirit India needs. Definitely, by next world cup, we cant afford a seperate wicket keeper who does not bat.

With Dravid keeping the wickets for one dayer's, India gets all the muscle that is needed.

Wish to see you as captain of the Great Indian team. Congratulations and Good luck to Dravid.

Name: Lakshmi

Comments: Good article indeed. "Jammy" has been my fav. Right from day one... and his talent and performance often goes unnoticed and I had felt it many's good to see that his efforts are recognized at least by the media. I love his game just 'coz he is a technically correct batsman and does not just slice the bat around at anything..i love his coverdrive esp. Thanks a lot for recognising the unsung hero..Kudos to dravid ....

Name: Sreekumar

Comments: I have always felt that Dravid is by far the most complete cricketer India has. Everything about him is perfect. And he is the type of cricketer a youngster should be asked to watch if he is to learn correct cricket... be it batting or running between the wickets.

It is no surprise that he has reached this milestone. Actually it should have been much earlier!! Theer is no doubt that it is just the tip of the iceberg. We can expect a lot more from this talented batsman. Congrats and all the best

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