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Letter of the Day

31 July, 2001
Injuries and players

If Laxman, Nehra and Khan have injury issues- shouldn't they be taken care of now? Lets assume that they carry on playing, with a 1-3 record, it is not likely that we are going to recover enough ground to get into the final. And even if we do, the question would be whether winning this triseries is worth risking long term injury to these players.

Personally, I would like to see Dodda Ganesh and other guys on the fringe get a look in, while the big guns get their injury issues resolved. Look at it this way. In all likelihood all 3 will not be available for the Sri Lanka test series. Why not give practice to those who will be available for the test matches? This could be a win-win situation. More opportunities for more players, and the long term risks for the crucial players are minimized.

A K Bhagat

Previous letters:
2nd July - 4th July - 7th July - 12th July - 16th July - 23rd July
27th July
