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March 05, 2001

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Your Say:Its a great decision by GOI and i really support i. -Achyut

Name:Ram Krishnamoorthy
Your Say:I support the decision. No point in playing pakistan in sharjah singapore and toronto. If BCCI wants to develop cricket let them play the canadians and the dutch.

Name:Kiran Kondabagil
Your Say:Our government atlast made a sensible decision. Ever since the Sarjah started, it had added only a kind of an artificial flavor to the game, made players greedy and contributed to the deterioration of the spirit of the game. So I think its right decision.

Your Say:NO! We should not be playing at Sharjah and other tamasha outposts. GoI's decision is very laudable.

Name:Mrityunjay R. Dubey
Your Say:India should definitely not play at such venues. The idea that playing there promotes cricket is crap. Rather we should concentrate on budding countries like holland etc and try to promote cricket amongst the locals there. No one in UAE is ever gonna make the big league in test cricket so simply forget it. Also let the boards of cricket playing countries make money rather than some oilrich sheikh in UAE.

Name:Govindarajan C
Your Say:I think we have arrived at the right outcome for the wrong reasons. India not playing cricket in non-regular venues will have a salutory effect in an unintended manner. We would probably be playing more one to one test series than kichdi one day series involving multiple nations. That would definitely increase the quality of the game. And who knows, the likes of Tendulkar and Dravid might also get time to play Ranji matches. Wonder why no one takes up the issue of domestic matches...

Name:senthil kumar
Your Say:What the Govt has done is 100percent right. There is absolutely no need for the Indian team to play in those venues..

Name:P.V.Ravi Kumar
Your Say:sir, This is quite rediculous decision. If any think about the reason behind the not sending the team to the non regular venues 1) may match fixing scandal Govt thinks that major players are in sharjah . So it does not have faith on the players, why not send the young indian team instead of original squad at least they can get exposure and also appoint spy to moniter them istead of banning. 2)think about them selves. The which proven quite corrupt is dictating as if they are honest in the world first it is better for them to correct themselves and think about others . 3) why not cricket? if hockey is played between two countries why not cricket? it is better to give an explanation about this? Thanking you

Your Say:The most sensible decision in view of all these match fixing scandals. If the govt has todo BCCI's job what are these leles and muthiahs doing? I have a question. Is it ever possible to remove LEle from his present post or is it his god given right to continue till ....when? ram

Your Say:No--definitely not. While the Government has no business dictation terms to the BCCI, this is one decision which is for the good of Indian cricket. Let us play more regular cricket like the recent Test series and avoid the tamashas at non-Test centres.

Name:Venkatesh P
Your Say:Atlast, someone having brains is taking decisions about indian cricket. It was high time to bring the spine-less BCCI back on track. For the people talking about globalization of cricket - India has done more than its bit for globalization by playing in these venues for all these years. Let other countries like aus, sa play in these centers and 'globalize' the game. For the ppl thinking about one day matches by indian crcicket team - At last now we may see some triangular/quadrangular tournaments in india. I can't recall which was the last such tournament in india. I think it was 2/3 years ago. Further by some small %age of money made by such tournament will be definately more than what CBFS gives to our old cricketers I think. Thanks a lot for the government for taking a decision, which makes indian cricket more meaningfull.

Name:Hrishikesh Hegde
Your Say:I would support a complete ban on playing in non-test playing countries. you cant call sharjah a non-regular venue !! We are scheduled to play so much cricket, Why more ?? And if the govt changes the decision .. the matches should be like the premiership teams playing worthington cup.. rest the top players and give others a chance..

Your Say:No don't play

Your Say:Sharjah has hosted more one day matches than any other venue. Perhaps, India also played highest number of oneday matches in Sharjah compared to any other venues, domestic or overseas. Apparently, sharjah does not qualify for non-regular venues. Perhaps, for Toronto and Singapore, the decision is OK, as both in Toronto and in Singapore, only the indians and pakistanis are watching the cricket and no local players benefited from the tournaments. UAE has successfully entered into the Worldcup. Hence, Denial of permission to play at Sharjah is not the right one, if one go by the non-regular venues as the real reason.

Name:Narasimhan Mani
Your Say:India should NOT play in no-regular venues. I think the CBI is right when mentioning that thoughtless increase in ODIs is not doing any good for our cricket. I think we are all buoyed with the recent success against the Aussies and should take this opportunity to play more tests and reciprocal series as Prem Panicker had pointed out. Test cricket is the real thing. And also doesn't anybody remember the entire CBI report?? Playing in non-regular venues leads to the underworld approaching players and affect player safety. And boy they are right, when they mention this could even be an issue of national security. What more valid reasons do we need?? So Indian SHOULD NOT play in non-regular venues and should concentrate on touring abroad and playing more tests at home.

Name:author rocky
Your Say:I really don't understand how Sharjah can be considered a non regular venue when it has hosted the most number of one day international games in the world. If it is to curb the possibility of match fixing then too it makes no sense as most of the matches that were accused of being fixed were the ones that were held in India( the ones involving India and South Africa) The only good that can come out of this decision is to give the players a much needed break from their hectic schedule. But from the goverments point of view the impact they appear to perceive will never be realised Thanx Author_rocky.

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