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Home > Cricket > CBI Report > Report
November1, 2000

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The CBI report on match-fixingThe CBI report on match-fixing
Sound and fury...

How do I know? Ask them who abducted my son and forced him to say things
M.K.Gupta's father, Kishan Mohan Lal
There are good number of inaccuracies in the CBI report in relation to the working of the board
BCCI president A C Muthiah
Those who are involved must be punished ... given maximum punishment
Jagmohan Dalmiya, Ex-chief of the ICC.
Players or administrators who are not found guilty as per my report will be allowed to go free by the BCCI
K Madhavan, fact-finding commissioner of the BCCI.
I do not know Sanjiv Chawla and I do not know how his number had figured in my telephone printout.
Former Indian cricketer, Ajay Jadeja
This person had been introduced to me by Azhar as "John" and not "M.K. Gupta", in a test match in Ahmedabad in 1996.
on being shown a photograph of M K Gupta, former Indian team Physio Dr. Ali Irani
I used to receive only around Rs.25,000/- to Rs. 30,000/- for each piece of information
Former Indian player Manoj Prabhakar
Nothing was possible unless Azhar became the captain.
Former Indian player Ajay Sharma
N. S. Sidhu called me and told me that 'Paaji' had come with some offer and wanted to talk to me
Former Indian player Manoj Prabhakar
Jaywant LeleThere is no match-fixing in India.BCCI honorary secretary Jaywant Lele
Life ban is a strong possibility as our (BCCI) code has a clause which permits us to ban a player for life,
BCCI president A C Muthaih
Nayan MongiaIt's a joke. I'm shocked. I don't understand why he has taken my name. I swear I haven't done anything wrong.
Former Indian wicketkeeper, Nayan Mongia
When I was accused of match-fixing, the papers splashed it on the front pages. But now that my name is cleared, it is buried somewhere at the back.
Former India captain and coach Kapil Dev
Ajay JadejaIf any charge is proved against me, I will respect law as I am a law-abiding citizen.
Ajay Jadeja
It's a sad thing for Indian cricket and the cricketers. I'd never have imagined the boys getting into such disgusting and shameful acts.
Former India opening batsman and coach Anshuman Gaekwad
Arjuna RanatungaHad any offer of a bribe been made to me at any time I would have promptly reported the matter to the appropriate authorities
Former Sri Lankan skipper Arjuna Ranatunga
I used to receive a commission of Rs 25,000 to 50,000 from Azharuddin for receiving such payments which were running into lakhs, on each occasion.
Former Indian team physio Dr. Ali Irani
N S Sidhu accepted that Manoj Prabhakar had told him that the player who allegedly offered him money was Kapil Dev but categorically denied that the alleged offer was made in his presence.
Former Indian batsman N S Sidhu

The complete coverage

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