Chat about call centers with Zia Sheikh
IT-enabled services like call centers and Business Process Outsourcing are the hottest segments in the Indian IT industry today. Together, they are estimated to bring in Rs 1,290 crore in terms of revenues and employ over 33,500 people by the end of 2002.
But what exactly are call centers and how much fun is it working for them? Most importantly, are they part of yet another passing trend or will they be here for the long haul? brings Zia Sheikh, founder CEO of Infowavz, one of the pioneers of the outsourced call centre industry in India to answer these questions.
Infowavz is a provider of customer support, sales and business process management services and counts seven Fortune 100 companies among its list of clients.
A former investment banker, Sheikh has worked with companies like Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in London and New York and the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), the country's largest development financial institution before setting up Infowavz.
Log on to the chat to ask everything you wanted to know about call centers on Monday, November 25, 1600 hours IST*.
(*Subject to last minute change).