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    [2001 onwards]


'Long war will impact stock markets'

Mumbai, March 25, 2003: 'If the war gets prolonged or if oil prices go up, it could hurt the markets. Otherwise there is nothing to worry,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

anuradha : Mr Ramesh i am sure would not be interested to talk to people like me.
Ramesh S Damani : You could start reading a book. I would suggest One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch.

baracuda : have yu read the latest business today it suggests that iflex could be the next star in indian itthe article makes interesting reading.also will yu buy the stock on areactionsay at850levels.and do yu beleive in the old market saying that when such articles do hit the newsstand then its time to exit the stock
Ramesh S Damani : The stock has become a favourite, but it is a product company and earnings could be volatile.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : Why is Eserve languisging just a market event or is the CItigroups annual result being unkindly interpreted by annalysts. ALso is it a good timne to get back into IT and T (Rs 17)I had sold off at Rs 24 but then the Co. went on to touch 38 and here we are
Ramesh S Damani : Mainly due to market conditions, I would avoid IT&T.

sriprakash : ramesh see the market no confirmations. What u will suggest , where to go now.
Ramesh S Damani : Sometimes you have to fight the market. If you are convinced of your stocks, hold on. Markets can and do reverse. Where do you put your money? Interest rates are killing you.

sriprakash : Almost all the stocks have come down drastically. Can u please suggest which 5 stocks u would buy in the market.
Ramesh S Damani : Take a look at the liquor sector. They have crazy valuation.

deep : whenever there is holiday on tuesdays why dont you come on wednesday as we need your guidance every week.
Ramesh S Damani : I mostly do that. This time was the exception.

anilgupta : ramesh bhai as there is a lot of company with good dividend yield what are the parameter to select best company along them
Ramesh S Damani : Try and buy companies with some yield and good growth in the next year. If they can grow 15-20 per cent year on year, that would be the best combo.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : The Business World (cover story Iflex) also had a interesting round table conference featuring Jerry Rao (Mphasis BFL)and others did you read that. These readings further reinforces our faith money and hope on the ITES Sector
Ramesh S Damani : I did. The news flow continues to be good. Recently e-serve ad has come for hiring lawyers. They are getting new business. After the war, work will speed up.

sriprakash : What do u suggest it is good to buy now seeing the earlier war like situation. Always the market jumped by more that 50% in 3 months time. or we should wait and watch
Ramesh S Damani : The Dow went up 8% in a week- the best gain in 20 years. If you missed it, you were out of luck. Stay invested in good stocks at these values and ride it out.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : Why would Eserve want to hire lawyers? Is it for the kind of work or do they expect litigations??Please comment
Ramesh S Damani : They are looking to do legal work for USA is what I understand.

rams : sir can i buy hpcl at these levels
Ramesh S Damani : I trade in it. You could do that. Buy at current levels.

sudhirtj : Damaniji, how about taking the MCDOWE stocks during this period or how about to wait for some time.
Ramesh S Damani : I recently bought some more. It is a fabulous value. Have patience and don't look at it day to day.

deep : I read that Mr. Mallaya is trying to resolve Herbertson issue againbut in the process the will loose OFFICERS CHOICE brand and will get BAGPIPER . Can you clarify more
Ramesh S Damani : That is what press reports are suggesting. If the deal is done, we could start unlocking value from Mcdowell.

Ramesh S Damani : If it gets prolonged or oil prices go up. Other wise no.

sudhir : I want to take 200 stocks of MCDOWE and can I go now. Is it good in long term or short term??
Ramesh S Damani : For the long-term.

deep : apart from Mcdowell should we buy UB holdings and Radico Khaitan or Shaw wallace . All have cheap valuations ?
Ramesh S Damani : Buy UB beer, which has the brewing assets.

anilgupta : what should be the strategy in market whether to buy capital appreciation stocks or good div yield stocks
Ramesh S Damani : Generally capital appreciation, but dividend is good.

da : sir, could you please ask the ppl @ rediff to kindly put the transcript of the chat on teh website.... i thinkl there is some prob
Ramesh S Damani : I am trying to sort it out. Hopefully this will be sorted out. See earlier answer.

sudhir : Damaniji, What will be the Post War effects on Breweries/liquors stocks?
Ramesh S Damani : Not much. Remember, 50 per cent of Indian population is below 20 years. This constitutes a great and growing market.

deep : I asked . Is E-SERVE better choice than Honeywell at these rates ?
Ramesh S Damani : I like both. It is a bit difficult to choose.

anilgupta : what are the chances that mcdowell value will never be unlocked and it will languish at current value
Ramesh S Damani : You can't rule it out. But at these prices, you should take a chance. Even if earnings start increasing, that would help value.

sachin : What is the difference between capital appreciation stocks and good div yield stocks. Give some examples to find this out?
Ramesh S Damani : Capital appreciation is when you buy a stock at Rs 20 and it goes to Rs 40. You made Rs 2000 on Rs 2000 investment at 100 per cent return,dividend yield would be 10 per cent if the Rs 20 (cost stock) paid you Rs 2. On Rs 40 it would be 5 per cent.

murthy : ramesh ji can u answer this question please what do u say about union bank is it worth keeping that
Ramesh S Damani : I am not fond of PSU banks. They are the flavour of the month. However, the sector does not interest me per se.

sanjay : Fourth time i am posting this, sir please give me ur views on matrix labs at 266 whether to buy it or not and the prospects of the company
Ramesh S Damani : It is a growth stock and doing well. I would buy a small quantity at these rates.

jaya : sir i want to buy stocks but i dont the present market pls give me some guidelines
Ramesh S Damani : Go to BSE website and look for a class on beginning investing.

barney : how good are thomas cook & indian hotels at the current rate.Is it a good time to enter with a 2-3 year perspective
Ramesh S Damani : I own and like both.

e-investor : During war crisis,why are entertainment companies like muktaarts taking a beating, infact they should have to be defensive stocks right now. what is the association of these to war consequences? please answer.
Ramesh S Damani : Many factors affect a stock price. It may be getting down due to selling by a fund or poor earnings forecast.

DamnIsFan : there or not...for last 5 minutes not a single reply from you
Ramesh S Damani : System is slow. Sorry.

baracuda : mcmillan what will happen on 28march
Ramesh S Damani : The quarter to watch out for is the first quarter results, which will come in April. The big money should come in that quarter. This is a slow quarter, but better than Q3.

AnandBhatt : Sir,Please answer this question.I bought some Eserve and Geometric for long term at 500 and 470 about a week before the budget.Because of NO LONG TERM GAIN on equities bought after 1st MArch 2003 do you think its wise to sell these and buy them back the same minute now as then I would be exempt from tax if they do double or become multibaggers in 1 to 2 yrs time.
Ramesh S Damani : You could do that. Transfer it to another account. Few days later, transfer it back. This would make it tax free and profitable if it goes up.

baracuda : thanks god for finally some good news on mcmilla so should i buy more are yu buying morecan we average our costs
Ramesh S Damani : Because I was wrong earlier, i would not recommend averaging this stock. Let's wait for the results and decide. The key thing is how fast they can grow the ITES business. They must grow at 35 per cent or the stock will not fly. Management is comfortable only with 20-25 per cent.

kiran : please tell me whether it is worth investing in bharti tele and morepen laba at current price
Ramesh S Damani : Not attracted to these stocks.

hoi : bhatt ji agar income tax wala yeh chat me baitha hoga to aapko to baas mein kya bolu aur....
Ramesh S Damani : The strategy is fully legal.

Ramesh S Damani : Ignore it.

sachin : gss, Is there any place where i could see these classifications and what are they and what risk they pose? (stocks, growth stocks and devidend playing stocks)
Ramesh S Damani : Dividend, you can check at any website. Growth is an art to guess.

deep : Is there any other interesing BPO story emerging?
Ramesh S Damani : Tata Infotech.

Ramesh S Damani : Hold on to it.

gsss : icici is a loot- very high brokerage. If u r plannig to start online trading- just trade with not more than 20000 rs. And if u lose it, take it as tution fees. expect to lose in first3 months. So do not put all ur money there
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks all for joining. See you next week.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST


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