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    [2001 onwards]


'Small investor must remain invested'

Mumbai, November 11, 2003: 'The stock market should see good days ahead, and the retail and small investor can make the most of it,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

Radhika :   :  what is ur call on BSES can i buy this stock at this level
Ramesh S Damani   :  hello everyone. thanks for joining. lets start. in BSES the Ambani Magic is at work my sense is it will do well

shashidhar :   :  The action now seems to be moving over to the medium-cap stocks. Do u think this will be sustained ? Pl give ur recommendations.
Ramesh S Damani   :  i beleive it will. lot of small stocks are buzzing around. you have to buy what you are comfortable with

Newbieatstock :   :  Sir lets assume there is a strategic sale in mcdowell and after that margins improve as well, deregulation of alcohol takes place and turnover is above 2000 crores, what according to you should be the price at that time and would u be compelled to sell. one would presume this should take anywhere between 3-5 years.
Ramesh S Damani   :  it is a very difficult question. what is the worth of 40% if India liquor market. we will have to determine at the time, however my sense is this is a risk-free business and that you should hold on as long as the fundamentals are okay

shashidhar :   :  There seems to be a volatile phase now. What is ur advise to small/retail investors ?
Ramesh S Damani   :  remain invested. market should have good days ahead.

BASANTMAHESHWARI :   :  Mc Dowell is going up on large volumes any heavy investor that you know of who is buying? What do you do at these levels. Just hold. Any news flow that has come in?
Ramesh S Damani   :  no new news to account for the move

BASANTMAHESHWARI :   :  Couple of weeks back I told you that I bought quite a few of TV 18 shares .DO you hold the stock. What is your prognosis in the light of the Reliance deal of over 10lac shares. Please comment. Is it a multibagger. M cap is barely 200 crs and for a broadcasting Co. in niche business Is it not very cheap. Please comment..
Ramesh S Damani   :  you have been making great calls basant, congrats.TV18 needs to monetise revenue and that will take time, Revenue is still very small. How they monetise the growth is imp. However, it is a valuable property and patient investors will be rewarded

RagingBull :   :  Hotel Leela seems to have moved very quick. Would you advocate a hold?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i would. hotel stocks are booming

Newbieatstock :   :  Sir, does it worry you sometimes that so many small investors, follow your advice. Although everyone understands the risks involved, and i mean absolutely no disrespect in any way, i think you know what am trying to say.
Ramesh S Damani   :  it is a large responsibility. when ideas don't work out i feel pain. however over time, emphasise time they seem to work out. i have repeatedly suggested patience.

priya :   :  sir, godrej industries is hovering between 54 and 56 . do u see anything technically interesting
Ramesh S Damani   :  it should be close to braking out 55-57 range. the move should be rapid then, look at d-link.

BASANTMAHESHWARI :   :  Tell me good construction/infrastructure play. Nagarjuna Construction small cap co. with good return ratios. Under a pE of 5 for forward earning. A friend of mine who are big time Govt. contractors for bridges and dams speaks very high about this Co. and the best part is he is not into stocks that means his views are not biased. Seems a fair bet to me. Have you analyzed it
Ramesh S Damani   :  i have, it is cheap and reliance capital is bullish on it. it makes sense in this market

vikas :   :  Whats your take on Shipping Stocks especially small ones like Varun and Essar
Ramesh S Damani   :  shipping may be entering a secular bull run due to commodities growth. also take a look at Chowgle and of course the big daddy Great Eastern. i own some chowgle

Radhika :   :  sir what is ur call on ONGCas govt is planning to reduce the stake
Ramesh S Damani   :  it seems over valued to me, .once the float is made it would create an overhang

maha :   :  sir, solectron centum which is in EMS is reportedly doing well. what is your opinion at this price? pl advise.
Ramesh S Damani   :  they are doing well and should have a good year in 04-05. hold on

rajraj :   :  Want to have exposure to the insurance industry in India. In my opinion it will give great returns in medium to long run. Which are the best direct/ indirect bets?
Ramesh S Damani   :  max, sundaram finance, Indian rayon are good eg to get exposure

jatin :   :  sir, national minerals sells 4 times more iron ore than sesa goa, has an EPS of 26 against sesa goa's 7. iron ore prices have trebled in the last 1 year. your take..
Ramesh S Damani   :  sesa results may not be consolidated. market has some excitement for National Mineral

sachin :   :  the articles say taht no one can hold more than one % of karnatak banks eq...will it b possible than to takeover
Ramesh S Damani   :  that can be changed pretty easily

Tanmay :   :  Damaniji, which book are you reading now ?
Ramesh S Damani   :  Mountain beyond mountains. it is about a dr in Haitii

mak :   :  is it worthwhile to enter moser baer at current levels to benefit from appreciation on account of bonus?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i am not bullish on iti am not sure i understand the co

NewEntry :   :  Is Godrej Industries different from Godrej industries D Link...Please answer because I have invested a lot of money in Godrej Industries
Ramesh S Damani   :  godrej ind, d-link are 2 differentco's

vikas :   :  Everyone does not have fresh money to put in. Do u advise switching from BPO to other recently recommended scrips or hold on to BPO
Ramesh S Damani   :  sometimes stocks are a matter of conviction. you have to figure it out for your self. if i am convinced i try to hold on irr-respective of the market.

BASANTMAHESHWARI :   :  Please answer this one. WIll CAS happen?I feel it will the day the delhi voter comes back home after casting his vote Govt. should initiate CAS and in that case TV 18 and more strongly HTMT should give decent returns
Ramesh S Damani   :  that would be a fair assumption.however cas in unknown for TV18.people may not pay to watch it.they need a mass audience,

anaam :   :  Sir, In one your previous chat you assured that you were to look for coming"Madhuri Dixit"(Multibagger) with your eyes & ears open. But Sir, for that you need a heart'''''Have your "heart" blossemed or not yet?
Ramesh S Damani   :  not yet. i keep looking for that specials stock. Lots of good ideas no great ideas.

radha :   :  usually u don't go after moving stocks but last week u bought banco products . is it still a trading bet
Ramesh S Damani   :  yes

NewEntry :   :  I purchased SBI at 488 , Can I exit to make entry into Godrej Industries or United Breweries
Ramesh S Damani   :  hold on to sbi

balladsandblues :   :  if i have to pick between god ind, mcdowell, united breweries, si bank, bank of pun, federal bank, morgan stan which three will be better bets?
Ramesh S Damani   :  morgan for those who want to besafe.mcdowell for those who are patient but wont outsize returns, same for ub.bop and fed bank are market performers. i own all of them

vikas1 :   :  I want to invest heavily in Subdaram FiNANCE with 2yrs. perspective. IS it right time to enter
Ramesh S Damani   :  do your own due diligience. however i think it makes sense

kcs :   :  Sir, Today Man Industreis has announced about the expansion! Do you have any idea how the stock would perform?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i have not seen the plan yet

ushti :   :  pl advise ur views on holding on to birla corp !should i unload or is it a longterm betpl!
Ramesh S Damani   :  it is cheap and value will be unlocked over time

jatin :   :  i was present at the round table. you moderated the show in an excellent manner.
Ramesh S Damani   :  thanks

BASANTMAHESHWARI :   :  Have you bought HTMT in large holding as it has an aggresive BPO business. It appears that E serve seems to be giving up leadership to Mphasis and HTMt in the BPO space. I have a fair proportion of my holding in HTmt and also a good number of BFL.Your view. and in the light of the retail story will Trent move I hold pantaln in good qty also but am getting frustrated at trent ?My mind says not to sell but the heart says switch to Nagarjuna. Please comment on both the parts of my question.
Ramesh S Damani   :  i hope the price movement is not influencing your opinion of the stock

sachin :   :  im still waitin to know u opinion on PAPER PRODUCTS n NELCO...plz let me know if i can buy these two
Ramesh S Damani   :  both are good. nelco seems to be turning around, i own it.

gujjuboy :   :  i have to invest 5 lac in 5 stock & to go abroad pls suggest 5 stock except mcdowell & macmillan. i have to invest 5 lac in 5 stock & to go abroad pls suggest 5 stock except mcdowell & macmillan................i have to invest 5 lac in 5 stock & to go abroad pls suggest 5 stock except mcdowell & macmillan.. i have to invest 5 lac in 5 stock & to go abroad pls suggest 5 stock except mcdowell & macmillan
Ramesh S Damani   :  try something like gillette, monsanto and titan, they should be around 5 years from now, i own all 3

shashidhar :   :  In the next phase of economic growth, logistics is expected to be a key factor. Not much hype in this sector. Recommend your choicest picks pl.
Ramesh S Damani   :  blue dart and gati

jatin :   :  do u ever read fiction? if yes who is your favrt author
Ramesh S Damani   :  very rarely

rajraj :   :  We meet you here in the StockTalk or we hear you on CNBC, Do you have any regular public engagement (seminar etc.) which I can attend?
Ramesh S Damani   :  not really. rediff is the best place to meet

Madhu :   :  Sir, I am a great follower for you. Your views are excellent on stocks. I earned lot of money just on your suggestions, simply superb. I have one doubt, why this E-serve is going down, can I take this opportunity to buy E-serve at current level
Ramesh S Damani   :  it is not a cheap stock at about 15 times this years earnings, also rs is apprecaiting so marginswill be in check.however long term story is good.

radha :   :  Sir, Videocon Intnl has very good book value. Its market value/book value is 0.29. In spite of good results why it's price not going up. Also, consumer goods would perform well in near future. what's your call on it?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i dont follow it, i am sorry

rajraj :   :  Do you use any Charting tool? Which one? Do you look for Support and Resistance or you look for Volumes.
Ramesh S Damani   :  yes. i look at all 3.breakouts are very important in a bull market

kannann :   :  Damani Ji.. I have a good qty of Neyveli what price one can exit
Ramesh S Damani   :  power sector is doing well.i would hold on

sachin :   :  my q on paper products i think will b answered when it crosses
Ramesh S Damani   :  paper prodcuts is a cheap stocki owuld hold on to it

NewEntry :   :  I purchased Macmillan at 246 it is at 215 or so... Do u suggest moving out of it to greener pastures?
Ramesh S Damani   :  it is likely to underperform overthe next few months

rakshesh :   :  sir, thanks for reccomonding goldiam-- should i hold or sell now since I have some profits in it?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i would hold on to Goldiam.they are having a good year and the stocks is cheap.i did sell some of my holdings in goodyear recently.

newbieeatstock :   :  sir i know you hate this question and i might not get an answer but ill ask it none the less. One short term pick Small cap 3-6 months
Ramesh S Damani   :  over one year take a look atgoldiam and a small co I recentlybought called Logix micro.these are small caps and i buy and sell them. however i am hopeful about one year prospects.

baracuda :   :  i have a portfolio of about 30lacs which has appreciated by25lacswhat should i now do
Ramesh S Damani   :  stay invested if you have the conviction--but do take a vacation, .

NewEntry :   :  , I also have good year.. Should I also exit it like you for a better stock or hold on to it for some more time. I purchased at 52..Please tell which should be the stock to invest now.
Ramesh S Damani   :  i sold a portion of my holding, .i was owerweignt and not happy with the price movement,

goodman : sir plese tell & explain which three brake out signal are important pls answer. sir please tell & explain which three brake out signal are important pls answer. sir plese tell & explain which three brake out signal are important pls answer.
Ramesh S Damani   :  when a 10 year basing price action breaks out with heavy volume it is a bullish signal. look at Man Ind, SBI, RIL, and Banco PRoducts as eg of this

rakesh :   :  ur call on fmcg sector and three picks there?
Ramesh S Damani   :  COlgate, brittania and Indianshaving, nestle, itc, I own all of them

kartikeya :   :  sir should i exit from goodyear priced at 47/ and purchased at 55/tomorrow its gonna be SUNK..
Ramesh S Damani   :  i am not that pessimistic in it, remember it has great brands and value.

shashidhar :   :  Sir, r u convinced about Titan's restructuring and turnaround story? Is it a good investment buy at current prices with 1 year term?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i thnink so. b/s is still in bad shape however growth should take care of the immediate problems

kartikeya :   :  how many stocks should one hold at a time?/ to keep track.. how can you keep the track of all the stocks you are holding??
Ramesh S Damani   :  that is my job. but typically you should own no more than 10stocks in a portfolio of 2crs. unfortunately it is a discipline to learn

Madhu :   :  Sir, I have one basic doubt. If Sensex falls (due to any reason) then where is the question of Long term stocks, all stocks will fall down irrespective of Mar cap, quarter results or what ever it is, then how can we say Long term stocks?
Ramesh S Damani   :  they will all fall but remember that stocks bounce back. markets are fairly resilient and over time tend to go up

NewEntry :   :  Which is one stock from ur portfolio with which you have great expectations?
Ramesh S Damani   :  i keep saying it is McDowell. it has low risk high return but is causing me great pain. having invested in psu stocks in 99-00i learnt how to handle pain. however it doesnt make it easier, just remember that it is a fairy tale getting 40% of liquor market of $50 million, in a country like India., that helps me keep my balance. hopefully mallya will come to the same conclusion. thanks all. have a good week

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST


'Market is headed higher'
'ITES can be high margin'
'I am bullish on the market'
'Sensex should touch 5000'
'United Breweries is a good stock'
'Market should resume upward climb in Oct'
'BPCL is a great company'
SBI is a benchmark bank
'Market should pause for breath'
'I am bullish on Bank of Punjab'
'The market needs correction'
'The market is in a bull run'
'The market should correct'
Correction should be used to buy equities
'B group stocks look stretched'
'The market is getting ready for a pause'
'ITES will be a $20 billion industry'
'e-Serve is expensive compared to others'
'Techs have generally been under-performing'
'Maruti IPO will be very expensive'
'Indian pharmaceutical sector is exploding'
'Poor monsoon will hit the market badly'
'Appreciating rupee to hit tech firms'
'Blue Star Infotech is a good buy'
'Tata Honeywell, McMillan are good stocks'
'It's been a tough market'
''Infosys has been lax about growth'
'Look at an ITES company'
'Market has been a tough place'
'Long war will impact stock markets'
'Why is the market going down?'
'BPO is an opportunity of a lifetime'
'The future is bright with Shourie'
'I remain bullish on the market'
'Action on Kelkar report to impact market'
'Pharma, ITES are on a good run'
'Markets may face the 'perfect' storm'
'PSU banks seem to be on a good wicket'
'Time to put some money in the market'
'Trick is to have conviction in your pick'
'If BJP wins in Gujarat...'
'Market is in good shape'
'Divestment program is over'
'I would avoid the PSU basket'
'Market may remain sluggish till Budget'
'Buy tech, sell PSU'
'I am cautiously optimistic about PSUs'
'I am not hopeful about divestment'
'There are no triggers in the market'
'The worst may be getting over for tech'
'This is a body blow to the divestment process'
'The market for tech is reviving'
'Market is caught in a tough trading range'
'I hope they don't dismiss Shourie'
'Market lacks a trigger'
'Monsoon is not a prerequisite for a bull market'
'We have re-entered a bearish phase'
'We are still in a bull market'

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