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'I just pick up things quickly'Chicago, February 16, 2000 hours CST: Rishi Bhat, the whiz kid answered questions from an amazed chatroom!
Akash : Hey!Rishi, r u there? Rishi Bhat : Yes. I am here now. Hi everyone. MaxDemian : helloooooo Rishi Bhat : helloooooo Max jimjim : when did u start programming? do u think your skills are natural or you developed them by hard work? like a singer having singing skills Rishi Bhat : I started programming when I was about 6 years old. I'm not sure if one would call them natural or not, but I am almost completely self taught. Larry : how did you get drawn to internet privacy? Rishi Bhat : Mostly from experience with hacking. mouls : ar eyou baoth classmates?? Rishi Bhat : Max lives in California actually, while I live in Chicago. We have been friends online for about the past 2 years. We have never met in real life. Larry : rishi, what's a normal day like for you? Rishi Bhat : Like a normal day for any other teenager - most days basically revolve around school (I'm a junior in high school). jimjim : how did u get a chance to act in films and why didn't u pursue that? Rishi Bhat : I auditioned for Indian in the Cupboard and got selected. I didn't pursue mostly because I developed other interests (such as computers). Larry : hacking? can you explain that? Rishi Bhat : I used to be very much into hacking. As such, I tried to create SiegeSoft from a hacker's view - trying to hide oneself in the best way possible. jimjim : self teaching is tough..any tips for kids who wants to do programming? I am 12 Rishi Bhat : Definitely get some books on programming, and just read through them. unknown : Mrs. Bhat, What are some of the values you have instilled in your son? Rishi Bhat : My mother says: "doing what you enjoy most, and doing it to the best you can". sandeep : Rishi are you not going to chat with me man???????? Rishi Bhat : Hi "Sandeep". Jennifer : Do you have a girlfriend? Rishi Bhat : no jimjim : hackers..do they get code from outside or write them? Rishi Bhat : I write my own code Larry : what are your hobbies? Rishi Bhat : Programming, Tennis, Piano, Clarinet, Rapping. unknown : Question for parents: We read Rishi is into Western Classical music. Would you introduce him to Indian Classical music? Rishi Bhat : My parents say: "Sure". Jennifer : do your parents allow you to date? Rishi Bhat : yes jimjim : which operating system you like the most? and why? which one is secure and reliable? which one is easy? same for language too, java? Rishi Bhat : I run Linux and Windows at home. Unix is definitely the way to go. If you have never used Unix before, start with Redhat or Mandrake Linux. sandeep : Rishi Please guide me , what one should be knowing to understand the basics of hacking the system on net and what about the security on the net Rishi Bhat : Hello Sandeep. I would first recommend reading up on the basics of TCP/IP and how the internet in general works. Packetstorm Security (http://packetstorm.securify.com) is an excellent place to start. Larry : who are your favorite rap artists? Rishi Bhat : My favorites are Canibus and Cypress Hill. My group's music can be downloaded at www.r00tabega.org/rap if you're interested. jimjim : how long did it take you to write the first code..which hides the user..when surfing..to develop? and in which lang did u write that? Rishi Bhat : I started writing in BASIC, and all I really did was program games until I was about 11. At that point I got into web page creation and internet related applications. Larry : did you like watching your movie, the indian in the cupboard? Rishi Bhat : it got tiresome after a while. I have seen it way too many times. jimjim : Rishi which part of India are your parents and grand parents from? were u born here? do u know any Indian Language? Rishi Bhat : I was born here. My mother is from New Delhi, my father is from Karnataka. Larry : what do you think of the controversy over eminem and elton john? Rishi Bhat : I have a great deal of respect for Eminem as an artist. I do not, however, believe he has any talent whatsoever. His lyrics attack many people and that gets his records selling. He is a genius in that respect, but I don't like his music. jimjim : Have u been to India? when was the recent trip? did u visit Taj Mahal and Agra Fort? Rishi Bhat : I have been there once to all the attractions you mentioned when I was 7. Mukesh : do you speak any indian languages? Rishi Bhat : I speak a little Hindi. jimjim : In which language you wrote the code that made u a millionaire on paper? Rishi Bhat : SiegeSoft was developed in Perl and C. Lata : hi rishi, how are you? Rishi Bhat : I am fine. jimjim : I listen to yr interview..did stardom change you? is not how come? Rishi Bhat : Not really.. I just think of myself as an everyday kid. Lata : were you born in the u.s.? Rishi Bhat : yes, I was born in Chicago. jimjim : I am 12 and I can't understand C or Perl..how did u do it? what tip I can get from you? Rishi Bhat : read some books on both. Lata : i am 100% desi Rishi Bhat : congratulations, Lata. jimjim : in yr interview u said u want to link medicine and computer..can u elaborate? Rishi Bhat : I'd like to major in biomedical engineering and computer science when I get to college.. after that I'm still not sure. Maybe open my own biotechnology company or something. jimjim : why not just continue in computers and not medicine. Bill Gates would not have done any good in the Medicine field had he became a Doctor Rishi Bhat : Medicine is more satisfying - that's why I'd like to combine them. Also, I am not Bill Gates, I am Rishi Bhat, and I intend to remain Rishi Bhat. Axtrex0wnsU : Lata.. if you like I will root your box? Rishi Bhat : Axtrex, I'm gonna root you. Mukesh : Mrs. Bhat, has your life changed since your son's success? Rishi Bhat : No padam : hi rishi, this is padam from mumbai Rishi Bhat : hi Padam jimjim : How long does it take u to wite a complex code relative to average programmer? Rishi Bhat : Well, it varies from case to case. It's difficult to give an "average" estimate. sandeep : Hi Rishi,What else do we require except TCP/IP????? Rishi Bhat : after you understand TCP/IP you will understand where you need to go from there. jimjim : do u write system programs too? Rishi Bhat : I'm not sure what you mean by system programs. Larry : Has your privacy been violated after you introduced your privacy program? Rishi Bhat : um. no. unknown : What's the most frivolous thing you've bought wiht the money you've made? Rishi Bhat : This is a frivolous question. padam : RISHI,BESIDES SYSTEMS WHAT ARE YOUR INTERST Rishi Bhat : Piano, clarinet, tennis, rapping (my music can be downloaded at www.r00tabega.org/rap) sandeep : What else do we require except TCP/IP????? Rishi Bhat : I SAID ALREADY. Read up on TCP/IP, then you will understand what else you need to know. jimjim : you looked very calm and quiet kind of person on TV interview..are u a cool kid? what makes u angry? Rishi Bhat : Yes, I am the coolest person you have ever met. Stupid questions make me angry. Larry : who is your favorite tennis player? Rishi Bhat : I don't have a favorite at the moment. I like Agassi, Safin and Sampras though. jimjim : at what age you started speaking? 1 or 2? when did u lesarn to write? Rishi Bhat : According to my parents, I started speaking at 7 months. I learned to write around 3 MaxDemian : Rishi, you arent the coolest person I have ever met, why? Rishi Bhat : Max, you have not met me in real life yet. Just wait till you do. jimjim : There was a show on Wiz Kids..Do u consider yourself as a Wiz kid? or just you work hard? how many hours you sleep a day? Rishi Bhat : Lately I have been sleeping 4-5 hours a day on weekdays. I don't really consider myself a whiz kid, I just tend to pick up some things very quickly. Larry : Does playing the piano help you think? ... It's a very precise art, requiring alot of concentration... Rishi Bhat : It certainly helps me relax. I like it a lot. Larry : did you watch agassi win the australian open? Rishi Bhat : yeah, I did. jimjim : how did u get your ideas? some one gets in their dreams..for some it's just pops up..some had to work on it? Rishi Bhat : yeah, they just sort of pop into my head. I've never dreamt about computers. I am not a nerd like that. Mukesh : what is the silliest question you've been asked? Rishi Bhat : this one. jimjim : Rishi..I have to ask this what's the secret to just have 5 hrs of sleep and still feel frsh all day? when you go to bed and what time u get up? any special food habits? too much coffee? Rishi Bhat : who said I feel fresh all day? I sleep about 2-7. jimjim : does short sleep affect your day? thinking? studies? what games you like to play? Rishi Bhat : I can operate fine on 5 hours of sleep during the week, and I catch up on the weekends. Mukesh : have you ever met hugh hefner? in india, he's the man. Rishi Bhat : No, I have not. jaywant1 : what about dotcoms man Rishi Bhat : I'm not sure about that, sorry. jimjim : what are u addicted to? TV? Internet? movies? how many hours of TV you watch a day? Rishi Bhat : I am a computer addict. The only TV I watch is "The Simpsons". MaxDemian : Whats the big deal about the dotcom deaths, why not just get a dotnet too to be sure? Rishi Bhat : dotnet's are always good MaX jimjim : how many hours you sleep on a week end? Rishi Bhat : as much as I can. Eyepiece : Hi Rishi - who do you consider be your role models - are there other young entepreneurs out there whom you respect? Rishi Bhat : I respect you Sumir. Besides you, my idols are mudge (from l0pht.com), Bill Gates, and Master P. sandeep : Rishi I visited Packetstream securify site.It is a fantastic site.Can you sugget me some more sites like that????? Rishi Bhat : yes, www.securityapex.com Larry : are you a member of TiE? you could be its youngest member. Rishi Bhat : I'm not, but I have a few family friends who are. jimjim : how can we get in touch with you? is your e-mail a secret to avoid 100's of prank mails? Rishi Bhat : rishi@scenewhores.com, or my AIM screen name is xbansh33. Lata : i wash myself daily. Rishi Bhat : congrats. jaywant1 : visited your rap site ,you have some real good songs there,ever oriented to indian classical music? Rishi Bhat : not really. I might sample a tabla for a beat sometime though. mohantypk : can you tell your motto in life Rishi Bhat : to be the best at everything I can. Larry : do you like DJ Jiten? Rishi Bhat : I've never heard any of his stuff. Axtrex0wnsU : is it true that you invested hundreds on equipment from electronics-stop.com? Rishi Bhat : it sure is Axtrex. Larry : that's some badass bhangra-hip hop remixes... Rishi Bhat : I'll have to take a listen. MaxDemian : Rishi, do you ever think about posing in Playboy? Rishi Bhat : go away MaX jaywant1 : visited Hyderabad? Rishi Bhat : nope, I haven't jimjim : what motivates you to do things? Rishi Bhat : I just do what I like to do jimjim : have you ever been stressed or depressed? Rishi Bhat : i've been stressed a lot, yes. jimjim : who is Max Demian? Rishi Bhat : my partner on our new website, www.securityapex.comcheck it out. unknown : Do you have some sort of a goal as to how much money you'd like to make? Or does money matter to you? Rishi Bhat : Money matters to everyone. Yes, it matters to me. I don't have a goal about how much money I would like though. If anyone in the world says that money doesn't matter to them they are lying. Larry : What are your parents saying about this chat. There's some unbelievable sexual inuendo here. Rishi Bhat : they are not saying anything. jimjim : what makes you stressed? what maked you happy? how u manage or come out of stress? Rishi Bhat : school work makes me stressed out. Computers and rap make me happy. I feel happy when I have accomplished something. mehulb : rishi who is your role model Rishi Bhat : I believe I answered this question. Scroll down in the chat. jimjim : how do u come to know of Max? Rishi Bhat : we have been friends online for about the past 2 years. krupakar : Why don't you do in India the same things that you are doing in US? It may give lot of motivation to Indian future generation. Rishi Bhat : because I live in the US. Yesweyen : Tell us a funny incident of your life. Rishi Bhat : My mom constantly forces me to eat. That is all there is to my life. namrata : have u heard of earthquake in gujarat? Have u helped in any way? Rishi Bhat : My family has donated money, yes. jimjim : what is the oS used for ur site? Rishi Bhat : That box runs linux. namrata : What is your impression about India and Indian people? Rishi Bhat : I refuse to make generalizations like this. jimjim : what proframing lang was used to creat the contens of yr new web site? Rishi Bhat : almost completely PHP, some perl, some c. PHP is great for web programming. papillon : hey guys I'm just joining in. Nice to meet you Rishi. I'm a bit embarrased to confess I hadn't heard of you till I saw that stuff on rediff Rishi Bhat : don't be embarrased :) jimjim : PHP? what is it? any good books on it? Rishi Bhat : www.php.net has some good basics. jimjim : is yr new server running on Linux? Rishi Bhat : yes krupakar : What are the new features in your new site technically? Rishi Bhat : It has some features like Test Your Security, a service that scans your computer for open security holes and helps you fix them. It also has encryption related services. For more details, visit www.securityapex.com jimjim : who is your role model? child hood hero? which famous person u admire the most? and why? Rishi Bhat : I have answered this question already. papillon : Why do you prefer linux? Rishi Bhat : it's more stable than windows NT. For servers I don't really prefer it to FreeBSD or something similar, but that was just what the server came with. sandeep : Rishi you told about pht10.com.Is it a correct url??? Rishi Bhat : When did I tell you about pht10.com ? I don't know what that is. vikas : What is your ultimate goal? Rishi Bhat : To live a good life. jimjim : how did your parents contribute to your sucess other than trusting you to do whatever u wann do? Rishi Bhat : Supporting me in whatever I want to do. krupakar : What type of encryption you are using? Rishi Bhat : Visiting the website would help. Larry : what do you want to accomplish in the next two years? us americans, we want to lose our viginity on senior prom night. Rishi Bhat : I want to get into Stanford. vikas : how do you define good life Rishi Bhat : happy. sandeep : Rishi you told that you like Samir and one friend from pht10.com????? Rishi Bhat : l0pht.com jimjim : any brothers and sisters of yours? are they smart too? Rishi Bhat : I don't have any siblings. AkashHoods : Rishi, please give the url of your site. Rishi Bhat : www.securityapex.com is the new site I am working on. www.siegesoft.com is the site I sold about a year and a half ago. Preety : i in an indian company called wipro, have you heard of it? Rishi Bhat : no, I have not heard of it. AkashHoods : Rishi, do u still manage to get time for your friends? Rishi Bhat : of course. jimjim : does making money make u happy? all rich people say it doesn't? true? Rishi Bhat : It makes me happy, yes. AkashHoods : In which class or college r u studying now? Rishi Bhat : I'm in 11th grade. vikas : I work for Bill Gates and I like him very much not because he is the richest man but because he is teh biggest donor in the world Rishi Bhat : I respect Bill Gates simply because of the way he has built Microsoft up. He is obviously a very smart man. What I think of his software is a different issue. AkashHoods : r u able to do upto the mark there too?? Rishi Bhat : up to the mark ? jimjim : how was you as a child? at 2 or 3 did u need a lot of attention or just left alone with toys or TV? want to know wheter u were different Rishi Bhat : My parents say that they were constantly interacting with me. AkashHoods : i mean good marks.;-) Rishi Bhat : yes, I get good grades jimjim : how were u interested in computers at 6? how old were u when yr parents introduced computers to you/ Rishi Bhat : I just was drawn to them. We bought our first computer when I was 3. papillon : Hey Rishi, I get the feeling that you're kind of focussed on money. Do you think that's good, or wise? Rishi Bhat : I'm not focused on money. I'm focused on doing what I like. If that makes me money in the process, that's always good. AkashHoods : Rishi, r u also in the hacking?i mean hacking not cracking. Rishi Bhat : I'm a white hat hacker. This implies non-intrusive hacking, only discovering vulnerabilities and publishing information on them. No cracking (anymore). jimjim : what's yr bigest regret so far in life? like missed something?done more..or just content? Rishi Bhat : I am only 16. Talk to me when I am 80 and I will tell you. jimjim : I hate home works? do u think they do any good? Rishi Bhat : absolutely not. I hate homework also sandeep : are you a relative of Mahesh Bhat??? Rishi Bhat : no Naveen : rishi? Rishi Bhat : Hi Naveen AkashHoods : Rishi, r u also in the hacking?i mean hacking not cracking. Rishi Bhat : I just answered this. jimjim : who maintains your servers? hosting company? Rishi Bhat : yeah Naveen : how do you feel about the aspects of bill gates, do you respect him for his knowledge? Rishi Bhat : I respect him a great deal for what he has built Microsoft into. I absolutely despise his software though. sandeep : Rishi, This is my promise to you that one day I will hack your site securityapex.com!!!!!!!!!!!! Rishi Bhat : You do not scare me Sandeep. papillon : Got it. Have you also thought about developing software for fields like medicine and so on? Unless you're already doing so. I mean, a few years ago, a friend of mine was going to do a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence to help people with cerebral palsy Rishi Bhat : not yet. I will think more about that as I get into college, etc... jimjim : when is yr next trip to India? are yr grand parents in India? are u in touch with them regularly? Rishi Bhat : One set of grandparents is in India. I don't know when the next trip will be. Jericho : how awesome is the other guy, Max Demian? how much is he involved with SecurityApex.com ? Rishi Bhat : You are awesome MaX Rishi Bhat : jimjim : 90% of users use Bill Gates software. Reason for dispiseing his software? Rishi Bhat : It's unstable, buggy, and released before it should be. AkashHoods : Who maintains your servers? hosting company? Rishi Bhat : yes, a hosting company. jimjim : is the same MAX you worked with the first site? Rishi Bhat : I did not work with anyone on the first site. Naveen : has your cousin, Naveen Malhotra, been a great influence on your sucess? Rishi Bhat : yes. Naveen has inspired me to an extent that nobody can even begin to understand. Jericho : I saw a picture of Max Demian, he is SEXY Rishi Bhat : GO AWAY MAX. I"M GONNA KILL YOU papillon : Are you a sports fan? Do you play any? Rishi Bhat : I play tennis jimjim : also microsoft software is not orignal..copied ideas Rishi Bhat : yes, this is true. vikas : Do you mean that microsoft doesnt have enough talented people who can develop original ideas Rishi Bhat : I don't believe I ever said this. I am not going to comment any further on Microsoft. Naveen : Yes, i know the gentlemen, he seems to be able to access databases etc.... Rishi Bhat : Yes, I know him also. papillon : How do you mean inspired? By Naveen, that is? Rishi Bhat : Naveen has helped in every way possible. jimjim : where is Max from Germany? US? or Mexico? Rishi Bhat : Please ask Max Demian. You can find information about him at www.securityapex.com/about.php AkashHoods : Hey! Who is Naveen? How has he inspired you? Rishi Bhat : Naveen Malhotra is my 15 year old cousin. Naveen : Rishi, do you consider yourself to be a celebrity?..I mean to be as big of one as Naveen Malhotra is? Rishi Bhat : I can never be expected to rival Naveen Malhotra's celebrity status. Axtrex0wnsU : Where do you plan on going after High School? Rishi Bhat : I plan on going to Stanford. Naveen : yea, i didnt think so, he is only 14, and accomplished soo much...but, have you ever met bill gates? Rishi Bhat : no, I have not met Bill Gates. Rishi Bhat : The chat is over now. Thank you everyone. I've enjoyed talking to you. If you want to contact me, you can email me at rishi@scenewhores.com or AIM at xbansh33. Bye.
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