Questions Dr M R Srinivasan didn't answer
Ram (Fri May 29 1998 7:59 IST)
Pakistan is at it again: Distorting historical facts to their favor, citing India as a security threat when the Pak-China group remains the biggest threat in the region and generally bashing India. Not to mention the mischief in JK. Should India just ignore them or put and end to this low-life behaviour in one swift move...?
Princess (Fri May 29 1998 7:59 IST)
Hello >Dr Srinivasan, there seems to be a lot of secrecy over the Pakistani blasts, about their nature, yield etc. What is your view on this? Why do you think Islamabad is not being too open about its blasts?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:0 IST)
Dear Dr. Srinivasan> In retrospect do you think that getting the deterrent might prove costly in terms of an arms race?
Iya (Fri May 29 1998 8:1 IST)
Dr Srinivasan: A very Good evening to you. I salute you sir, for your services to this nation. What has always disturbed me about India's nuclear programme is its lack of accountability to the Indian people. Your funds are not even accountable to Parliament. Do you think the Indian nuclear establishment must be more open?
Soman (Fri May 29 1998 8:1 IST)
Do you believe it is possible to have a nuclear free zone in the subcontinent?
james (Fri May 29 1998 8:2 IST)
Dr Srinivasan, It is great to have you on the Chat! What is the major difference in the bombs made by India and those by Pakistan? Which is superior?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:2 IST)
Pakistan today has tested two more missiles one of them submarine launched. In view of this should a star wars like deterrent be more effective?
james (Fri May 29 1998 8:3 IST)
What happens to all the nuclear waste? Where are they dumped?
james (Fri May 29 1998 8:4 IST)
Let's us get out of this Pak obsession? Where does Indian nuclear forces stand in comparison to China? How long before we can match them and their capability?
Gopalakrishnan (Fri May 29 1998 8:5 IST)
Is it true that the Indian nuclear programme has been a Soviet legacy? Just as the Pakistani programme is the legacy of theft and Chinese generosity?
james (Fri May 29 1998 8:5 IST)
sir, are you personally happy at what has happened since May 11? Could India not have conducted a cold test?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:5 IST)
Dr. srinivasan> Do you think that we should push for star wars like deterrent now?
Iya (Fri May 29 1998 8:7 IST)
What is the difference between the Indian and Pakistani tests? Are our tests superior? Is our technology superior?
daram (Fri May 29 1998 8:8 IST)
Hi: Does Sonia, Moopanar, Chidambaram or UF understand the
psychosis, religious fundamentalist and wish to fullfil the ambitions of Ghauri or Ghori. Do not underestimate the Pakis' will, ability, future ambition to enslave Indians. Look, Pakis are united. Look at yesterday's debate in India. So many are today Jaichandras. Does Sonia know what Ghauri did to Indians?
Soman (Fri May 29 1998 8:8 IST)
There is a feeling that India must conduct at least 20 more tests to gather the data to prove our technology. The five tests conducted last fortnight may give out signals of nuclear power, but are not an affirmation of technological competence. Please comment.
Iyengar (Fri May 29 1998 8:10 IST)
What about our thermonuclear device? The Americans have doubted that we have the technology, so have some Indian scientists in the know. Please cast some light on this contentious issue. Do we or do we not have an H-bomb?
vaidyanathan (Fri May 29 1998 8:12 IST)
Hullo Dr. M. R. Srinivasan.. Congrats to the Indian team for the nuclear blasts. (on behalf of the Indian software engineers working in USA)
Gopalakrishnan (Fri May 29 1998 8:14 IST)
Dr Srinivasan: Reference your last post, it looks like you believe that the government has not analysed the consequences of the tests. Please do let us know what gives you this impression.
Iyengar (Fri May 29 1998 8:16 IST)
Thank you for answering me. What about our thermonuclear device? The Americans have doubted that we have the technology, so have some Indian scientists in the know. Please cast some light on this contentious issue. Do we or do we not have an H-bomb?
sainarasimhan (Fri May 29 1998 8:17 IST)
Mr. Srinivasan: Apropos guru's question, do we have anything even remotely capable of Star Wars-like capabilities? How about the development of something less sophisticated ... like AWACS?
Kaxinath (Fri May 29 1998 8:18 IST)
Dr. Srinivasan, do we have any Stealth fighters that can escape easy detection on radars?
Sqn Ldr Shiv (Fri May 29 1998 8:19 IST)
Do you think Pakistan will use its nuclear capabilities against India in the near future?
MR (Fri May 29 1998 8:21 IST)
Hello Srinivasan, Does India has got enough data for future research with 5 blasta?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:21 IST)
so now we are living in nuclear blackmail! :(
daram (Fri May 29 1998 8:22 IST)
Now, Pakistan will never agree to nuclear disarmament. With China, they are more powerful now. Slowly they can undermine India's political climate and eventually they will emerge as a power. They will not
give up their nuclear option. As they said " rather they will eat grass". Do not underestimate the Pakis.
GurGuru (Fri May 29 1998 8:22 IST)
Dr Srinivasan, Do you think USA will let Pakistan perish under crippling sanctions given the pro-Pakistan tilt in Mike McCurry's comments yesterday?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:23 IST)
A Russian analysis has suggested that India needs to do more tests, at least 9 tests, assuming that we are testing a minimum 3 warheads. Do you think in this context that a self-imposed moratorium is counter productive?
Kailash (Fri May 29 1998 8:23 IST)
Hello MRS, the country in which engineers are not able to provide water at the tap even at ground floor, has gone nuclear. How do u justify this action?
Sudhir (Fri May 29 1998 8:23 IST)
Mr. Srinivasan, now that we have tested the N-bomb Why cant' we all take a pledge for total disarmament? I mean we know the end result is terrible.
Your comments please
Iya (Fri May 29 1998 8:23 IST)
What is the difference between the Indian and Pakistani tests? Are our tests
superior? Is our technology superior? After all, the Chinese technology is superior to ours!
Gopalakrishnan (Fri May 29 1998 8:24 IST)
Is it true that the Indian nuclear programme has been a Soviet legacy? Just as the Pakistani programme is the legacy of theft and Chinese generosity?
Princess (Fri May 29 1998 8:25 IST)
>Dr Srinivasan: Thank you for your considered reply. There is a question that one of your colleagues from teh nuclear establishment brushed aside, and that was about the disposal of Indian nuclear waste. Can you tell us how we do that?
Katti (Fri May 29 1998 8:26 IST)
Shri Srinivasan: What was the mandate you received during your long and distinguished career at the DAE? Was it always to make nuclear weapons?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:28 IST)
I am worried that we do not have an early warning system in place.
Brahm Astra (Fri May 29 1998 8:29 IST)
MRS: Was the Pak test done on a fusion device (I think not), if so then what retaliatory position can be take against a Gahuri/SCUD carrying as fusion warhead ?
Sudhir (Fri May 29 1998 8:29 IST)
Did Pakistan do a proxy test for China???
Princess (Fri May 29 1998 8:29 IST)
>Dr Srinivasan, do nuclear scientists have non-peer friends? Or is it frowned upon?
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:30 IST)
7 minutes is too short a time. and these nuke tipped missiles have a reasonable CPE or whatever...judging by today's tests.
Katti (Fri May 29 1998 8:30 IST)
DR S: Do you nuclear scientists -- and especially someone, sir, as exalted as you -- go to sleep comfortably at night? After all, you have created the most horrific weapons known to man!
Dhananjay (Fri May 29 1998 8:30 IST)
Pak has now N-Techology , it may transfer to other countries
like Iran. Dont you think it will trigger wave of N-bombs in world ?
GurGuru (Fri May 29 1998 8:30 IST)
What is our standing in the nuclear weapon states? Are we decades away from the top five or are we just few years away?
Iyengar (Fri May 29 1998 8:31 IST)
Would you say our nuclear programme is on par with Great Britain and France? Or are we, as we are in hockey, at the bottom of the heap? Just above Pakistan!
james (Fri May 29 1998 8:31 IST)
bade saab, you have not realised to even a single of my queries :-(
GurGuru (Fri May 29 1998 8:33 IST)
Iyengar: What does hockey has to do with Nuclear Bombs?
Kailash (Fri May 29 1998 8:34 IST)
Mr MRS, how will u save us now that Pakistan too has the N-Bomb?
Brahm Astra (Fri May 29 1998 8:34 IST)
MRS: What protection are the BARC/DRDO scientists getting against ISI-funded personal/terrorist attacks ?
sainarasimhan (Fri May 29 1998 8:36 IST)
Mr. Srinivasan: Do we have plans to develop MIRV missiles?
NukeMan (Fri May 29 1998 8:37 IST)
What is the destructive power of 200kt bomb? Is it a city-buster? or is it bigger?
Mo (Fri May 29 1998 8:37 IST)
How many bombs does India need for an adequate second strike scenario -say after Pakistan has launched a surprise first one ?
Iya (Fri May 29 1998 8:38 IST)
What is the difference between the Indian and Pakistani tests? Are our tests
superior? Is our technology superior? After all, the Chinese technology is superior
to ours!
Katti (Fri May 29 1998 8:39 IST)
Is it true that the Indian nuclear programme has been a Soviet legacy? Just as the Pakistani programme is the legacy of theft and Chinese generosity? Why are you not answering this question?
Wise Person (Fri May 29 1998 8:40 IST)
Can you please assure us that the Indian govt. will not buckle down under international pressure and sign a CTBT that is unfavourable to India's security interests?
Gopalakrishnan (Fri May 29 1998 8:40 IST)
As someone associated with the nuclear programme for many decades, who in the Indian government gave the programme its biggest boost?
Soman (Fri May 29 1998 8:41 IST)
Thank you for your answers, but sir, please make it five more questions, in addition to what already exists. Thank you.
sainarasimhan (Fri May 29 1998 8:41 IST)
Mr. Srinivasan: Thanks again!
guru (Fri May 29 1998 8:42 IST)
thanks Dr. Srinivasan
Ganesh (Fri May 29 1998 8:43 IST)
Hi Dr MRS...This is Gansh from Washington..You mean to say signing of some agreements will stop some unfortunate attacks on the neighbouring countries...?
Wise Person (Fri May 29 1998 8:44 IST)
I hope the Indian govt. has a plan for its diplomats (suave persons who can speak proper English and who can comfortably put on western suits and ties; not the pan chewing ones) to fan out to influential western and Asian capitals and explain how India has been victimized repeatedly by Pakistan and China.
Brahm Astra (Fri May 29 1998 8:44 IST)
MRS: I still think India doesn't have an effective missile-interceptor technolgy to counter a first-strike, the stupid Govt. must first have developed this before letting the genie out of the bottle...arghhh
dram (Fri May 29 1998 8:45 IST)
LS is full of modern India's
raj (Fri May 29 1998 8:45 IST)
Dr M R : India needs good propaganda machine and diplomats to counter the disinformation and lies spread by Pakistan,China and sometimes USA. How India is protected from Pakistan?
Wise Person (Fri May 29 1998 8:46 IST)
Does India have dedicated satellites monitoring Chinese and Pakistani activities?
TheSwedishKind (Fri May 29 1998 8:46 IST)
DR MRS, Do you agree Indian politicians deserves a kick below the belt?
Wise Person (Fri May 29 1998 8:48 IST)
Since India is in close physical proximity with Pakistan, has the govt. taken adequate measures to be warned in real time about an impending Pakistani/Chinese attack?
Ganesh (Fri May 29 1998 8:48 IST)
Mr MRR...We are seeing the sharp reaction of Pakistan in many ways...whether it is a good century hit by Wasim Akram or bad comments of politisian like Benezir Bhutto or some other thing...Everything is explosive in PAK not only Bomb...What do U say...?
sainarasimhan (Fri May 29 1998 8:48 IST)
Thank you Mr. Srinivasan for your answers!
Katti (Fri May 29 1998 8:49 IST)
MRS has a guilty conscience, that I am sure of. He sounds contrite for what he has done.
Brahm Astra (Fri May 29 1998 8:50 IST)
I heard the infra-red cams (used to pick out exhaust trails) on the Indian satellites are outdated and weak, which improves the effectiveness of a Pak first-strike greatly.
vaidyanathan (Fri May 29 1998 8:52 IST)
Mr.MRS: How do you react to pakistan declaring emergency citing threats of external aggression (obviously from India) and mounting warheads on Ghauri Missiles..
Wise Person (Fri May 29 1998 8:54 IST)
Since perceptions matter more than reality, what is enormously important now is for India's Ministry of External Affairs to launch a diplomatic offensive, particularly in the rich countries, to explain India's predicament in light of the grave threat to 1 billion people from the evil machinations of Pakistan and China. I have seen no signs of this yet. Is the govt. going to do this?
abhirami (Fri May 29 1998 11:0 IST)
Dear sir,
What is your reaction to the belligerent stand of the BJP government in the post-Pokhran days ? All the effects of the peace-dialogues with our neighbours have been rendered null and void thanks to the indiscriminate and irrational behaviour of the govt. ? did we have to shout from the roof tops about our tests ? couldn't we have held them secretly ?
jayant (Fri May 29 1998 11:13 IST)
steve cannon (Fri May 29 1998 20:56 IST)
to m r srinivasan
From Steve Cannon
Re: Telephone interview
dear sir,
I would be obliged if you would call me for an interview on 610 w t v n Columbus Ohio this coming Sunday night the 31st of may.
You may call me collect at 1-614-488-2483 and 2489 and ask for my producer Bee Jay
Thank you for considering my request
yours truly ,
steve cannon
Pramod (Fri May 29 1998 21:41 IST)
It is well known that Pakistan acquired a proven atomic weapon and also a proven missile from China. India had no such proven atomic weapon. If India tested its nuclear weapon, it did so for the security reasons. Why then some people is opposing it and why this fact has not been put before the international community? Do you support this point? If yes, let us put it forcefully before the world.
Vinay (Fri May 29 1998 21:59 IST)
Dr Srinivasan, I think India will benefit from the tests in the long term with the increased muscle it has now...what do you think sir..
Kannan (Sat May 30 1998 0:7 IST)
India tested an indigenous device that needed to be tested in order to prove the technology. Pakistan, having borrowed its bomb from China, had no need to 'test' to confirm the capabilities of their weapon. However, I do believe that the mutual tests have established the two nations as posessors of nuclear weaponry. My question Mr. Srinivasan is if Pakistan, having borrowed its weapon from China, can truly be described as a nuclear weapon state?