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Karan Nath

Josy Joseph
Special Correspondent
The Nepal Crisis
Fri, 8 June
1900 IST; 0930 EDT

The Nepal Crisis

The regicide and consequent turmoil in Nepal has shocked Indians. The world's only Hindu kingdom now boasts a new king who has the authority but lacks in popularity. Moreover, Maoist rebels, whose writ runs in large areas of this Himalayan nation, believe the entire assassination was plotted by the Indian government. special correspondent Josy Joseph rushed to Kathmandu after news of the palace massacre trickled in and saw first hand the events unfold in the Nepalese capital in the aftermath of the gruesome killings.

Even a week after the regicide, many questions remain unanswered. Was crown prince Dipendra the real assassin? Were the protests spontaneous or inspired by anti-India vested interests? Is it safe for Indians to travel to Nepal?

Find out from Josy Joseph on The Rediff Chat on Friday, 8 June, at 1900 hours IST (0930 hours EDT).


Death of a Monarch

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