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The Sanjay Dutt Chat

Sanjay Dutt (Mon Sep 30 21:24:14 1996 IST):

Which is the next block buster movie of yours coming now ?

(Mon Sep 30 21:24:15 1996 IST):

Sorry, does that mean they put you in jail because they wanted to settle scores with him?

meenali (Mon Sep 30 21:24:50 1996 IST):

Dear Sunjay, How do youmlike this way of communicating with your fans? Will you come again?

Ram Rahim (Mon Sep 30 21:24:53 1996 IST):

Does that mean you like Pacino as an actor?

phoolmati (Mon Sep 30 21:25:14 1996 IST):

Achchha bhaiya ab ham jaa rahe hain, Khuda Hafiz, Namaste , Satsriakal!!!!!

(Mon Sep 30 21:25:20 1996 IST):

Which is the next block buster movie of yours coming now ?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:25:22 1996 IST):

Meenali: At the moment films are the only thing maybe later on I'll get into direction.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:26:27 1996 IST):

James Dean: Yeah they have settled scores with him, he is no more a politican and that's what they wanted

cameraman (Mon Sep 30 21:26:30 1996 IST):

ok sanju, u seem to ignore my questions, bye and goodnight

INDIAN (Mon Sep 30 21:26:30 1996 IST):

Soofee! I support Samyukta!! Like she said, you cut this and try to ask something relational. If you feel like this, keep it to you self and not go aroung saying things like this. Dont vote for the BJP which i too will never do.

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:26:42 1996 IST):

Direction? Does that mean masala stuff? I am sure you won't direct a Yaadein or a Reshma aur Shera?

(Mon Sep 30 21:27:15 1996 IST):

James Dean here: What are your most enduring memories of your ma?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:27:15 1996 IST):

Meenali: I love communicating with my fans on the Net it's really cool we'll be back soon.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:27:49 1996 IST):

Samyukta: Only masala stuff

meenali (Mon Sep 30 21:28:36 1996 IST):

;-) Hey sanju how about a wink???

cameraman (Mon Sep 30 21:28:45 1996 IST):

hi sanjay, u got me wrong, i asked whether u had ever regretted about born to a celebrity

Ram Rahim (Mon Sep 30 21:29:07 1996 IST):

So your pa quit politics because of your case. Do you think you would have been in deeper trouble if he had not? I know you can't name these people now. But someday when this nightmare is over, you must!

soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:29:10 1996 IST):

Samyukta that is exactly my point. We have two type of images 1.Angel- which is public and 2. Badmash (khalnayak). That is why films like Khalnayak are such a big hit and that becomes viciouse cycle!!!!!

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:29:13 1996 IST):

Meenali: How can Ii wink ?????

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:30:08 1996 IST):

Camerman: No regrets

meenali (Mon Sep 30 21:30:12 1996 IST):

Sanju its pretty simple ;-) see that??!!

(Mon Sep 30 21:30:16 1996 IST):

Hey Sanju, why don't you come every month on this Chat? We'd love to form a fan club for you here.

(Mon Sep 30 21:30:21 1996 IST):


INDIAN (Mon Sep 30 21:30:28 1996 IST):

Sanjay, At this moment im busy as im doing a masters degree. Thank you for all your replies and would request you to send a reply to this one too. Please send your email address if you have one. I would like to sign of now and Good luck! Satyamev Jayatev!!! Bye.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:30:31 1996 IST):

Ram Rahim: I will one day

(Mon Sep 30 21:30:40 1996 IST):

Hi Sanjay. Hows it goin'? I need to know...... How has life changed for you since you came out of jail? How do people react to you & what is your outlook of the world now?

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:31:27 1996 IST):

Sofee, I am sure he means well. But I am kinda disappointed that Sanju wants to do masala stuff. I hope he gets better screenwriters than Mukul Anand or Subhash Ghai does?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:31:32 1996 IST):

James Dean: It will be my honour if you have fan club for me , I'll be on every month .

(Mon Sep 30 21:31:42 1996 IST):

Hey Sanjay.....what kind of stuff do you do when you're not at shoots?

(Mon Sep 30 21:31:43 1996 IST):

Sanjay...sorry...forgot to give ny name..... my name is Ashit.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:31:50 1996 IST):

Meenali: ;-)

meenali (Mon Sep 30 21:32:16 1996 IST):

Sanju I am sad :-( that you are not winking at me!!

(Mon Sep 30 21:32:30 1996 IST):

Look at the bright side of life. Aren't you glad you did not do Trimurti? What a yucky film! Did Ghai really get your okay before replacing you?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:33:05 1996 IST):

Samyukta: I promise you I will, YOu'll never get a Trimurti out of me .

meenali (Mon Sep 30 21:33:20 1996 IST):

sorry sorry i didn't see that!! how about a loud laugh :-0 ho!ho!ho!

cameraman (Mon Sep 30 21:33:27 1996 IST):

sanjay, thanx for replying, and about fate of layman....

(Mon Sep 30 21:33:43 1996 IST):


Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:33:51 1996 IST):

James Dean I'm realy happy I didn't do Trimurti and Ghai is a WORM

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:34:19 1996 IST):

Meenali: HO HO HO

(Mon Sep 30 21:34:26 1996 IST):


(Mon Sep 30 21:34:32 1996 IST):

James Dean here: I hereby appoint myself president of the Sanjay Dutt Fan Club on the Net. And we will meetb on Rediff On The Net, every Friday. Any takers?

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:35:15 1996 IST):

Ghai is a worm? Does that mean he played dirty with you? Gosh! This is sensational stuff!

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:35:32 1996 IST):

What would you tell him if you saw him face to face?

(Mon Sep 30 21:35:48 1996 IST):

Hey Sanjay....Did you read my question? Ashit.

(Mon Sep 30 21:35:56 1996 IST):


INDIAN (Mon Sep 30 21:36:42 1996 IST):

Sanju, Indian is waiting for your reply and i shall also keep my eyes open owards this case. I adore Nargisji so much that i wouldnt like to see this happen to you. Im suree that you will again get to the brighter side of personal side and you will not forget you fans and the people who supported you during your problems and do not forget this chotta INDIAN too. My email address is

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:36:56 1996 IST):

Samyukta: Yeah

(Mon Sep 30 21:37:03 1996 IST):

Hey Sanjay.... what are your plans for the future? I mean... any thoughts on different roles? Directing?

(Mon Sep 30 21:37:16 1996 IST):

Sorry, I am late. Couldn't cut class. How are you doing, Mr Dutt? Are you still number one?

(Mon Sep 30 21:37:41 1996 IST):


soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:37:41 1996 IST):

It is tru BJP hobnobs with Gangstas like Thakku in fact they want to come to power on totaly screwing up Indian people"s psychology of Dharma which is just an illusion.Sanjay should answer my Q. Why did he touch Thakku's feet?

(Mon Sep 30 21:37:48 1996 IST):

Hey, hey that's me Masoom from Orlando, US of A. Have you ever been here?

(Mon Sep 30 21:38:34 1996 IST):


Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:38:37 1996 IST):

Indian: Its because of my fans and because of the support of myt family that I'm chatting with yhou on the Net I'll never forget my fans in my life I want to thank all of you for your support an love

(Mon Sep 30 21:38:57 1996 IST):

Hi SUNJAY! I came here 1 hour before time just to talk 2 u but got disconnected after 15 mins. My whole family loves you, ur family and Rhea. U were great in Naam, Gumraah, Sadak and KhalNayak. Do u have any good movies coming out soon?

(Mon Sep 30 21:39:38 1996 IST):

James Dean here: Someone on this Chat asked you ntot to give up. In response to one of your answers to me. I urge you to do the same. NEVER GIVE UP! I'll be back soon with the Sanjay Dutt Fan Club. Bye for now and take care!

(Mon Sep 30 21:39:59 1996 IST):


soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:40:08 1996 IST):

James Dean is a real chamcha.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:40:10 1996 IST):

Annoymous: I don't believe in numbers and I have a lot of different roles .

cameraman (Mon Sep 30 21:40:52 1996 IST):

sanjay, u dont seem to bother about the oridnary layman.....

INDIAN (Mon Sep 30 21:41:19 1996 IST):

Thanx Sanju!! Im signing of reluctantly bcos duty comes first! All the best to you and bye till the next chat. Looking forward to it, INDIAN

(Mon Sep 30 21:41:23 1996 IST):

Sunjay, that last message from noname was me, madhu. I am in USA, went to NY at the same time as you last month, hoping 2 see you but could not.

(Mon Sep 30 21:41:32 1996 IST):

(Mon Sep 30 21:41:53 1996 IST):

hello. howdy

(Mon Sep 30 21:41:53 1996 IST):

Subhash : I am an admirer of your father (He is great). Will u try to emulate him ?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:42:04 1996 IST):

Annoymous2: I have a few good movies coming out. Like Nayak, Kartoos, Mahanta, KHAUF

soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:42:24 1996 IST):

Bogus cat it is more of caatoing than chat/////

(Mon Sep 30 21:42:32 1996 IST):

Hi! How's the fever?

soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:42:50 1996 IST):

Bogus cat it is more of chatoing than chat/////

(Mon Sep 30 21:42:59 1996 IST):

Hai! Sunjay. I,m Sunny.Are you around.

(Mon Sep 30 21:43:15 1996 IST):

Ashit: Hey Sanjay....I had asked you a question, maybe you missed it. I'll repeat. How has the world changed for you since your realese from jail & has your outlook about the world changed?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:43:52 1996 IST):

Subhash: I will try and hsave kind of views in life, I'll be Mr Sunil Dutt of 1997 . A faster version .

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:44:14 1996 IST):

Where is Priya????

(Mon Sep 30 21:44:31 1996 IST):

As an actor, are you resctricted to a rigorous training schedule/ diet, etc..? Or do you just live the good life?

(Mon Sep 30 21:44:38 1996 IST):

Hi! How's the fever?

(Mon Sep 30 21:44:39 1996 IST):

Hey Sanjay good to know you're still there. Thought I'd miss you. I just want you to know you're one helluval great guy. Just don't lose heart, everything's gonna be fine. We all love you.

(Mon Sep 30 21:44:47 1996 IST):

Sunjay, can I please tell something? Pls don't act for all those directors who left you when u needed them. Specially Subhash Ghai. Please...

(Mon Sep 30 21:45:16 1996 IST):

Subhash : I am an admirer of your father (He is great). Will u try to emulate him ?

(Mon Sep 30 21:45:59 1996 IST):

Subhash : I am an admirer of your father (He is great). Will u try to emulate him ?

(Mon Sep 30 21:46:01 1996 IST):

Rhea: Priya, how was your trip?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:46:31 1996 IST):

Ashit: I value my freedom more than anything else in the world.

Rhea: My fevers gone up.I need some affection.

(Mon Sep 30 21:47:14 1996 IST):

What are you most enduring memories about your ma?

(Mon Sep 30 21:47:25 1996 IST):


cameraman (Mon Sep 30 21:47:26 1996 IST):

ob boy!! stop looking for girls...

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:47:36 1996 IST):

Annoymous3: I'll kep your advise in mind.

soofee (Mon Sep 30 21:47:49 1996 IST):

Numb heads!!!!

(Mon Sep 30 21:48:15 1996 IST):

Madhu: Sunjay, that was me again. Don't know why my name doesn't come. I just came here to tell you that we all love you and ar proud of you for coming out of all that so strongly. We all are with you and this is not just some star-struck fan talking here.

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:48:24 1996 IST):

My Childhood. and the time I spend with my mother.

Yasir Khan (Mon Sep 30 21:48:41 1996 IST):

what's up? glad you're back. what new movies of yours are releasing shortly?

The ghost of Subhash Ghai (Mon Sep 30 21:48:45 1996 IST):

Is Rhea around?

(Mon Sep 30 21:48:48 1996 IST):


Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:49:30 1996 IST):

Whom are you closest to? Namrata or Priya?

(Mon Sep 30 21:49:44 1996 IST):

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:49:47 1996 IST):

The Ghost of Subhash Ghai: Rhea is right infront of me, on the chat.

(Mon Sep 30 21:50:00 1996 IST):

Rhea: Ghost of Subhash, ya, I am right here.

(Mon Sep 30 21:50:26 1996 IST):

Madhu: Rhea, are you here too? I love you and everyone here is proud of you, I can guarantee that. Sunjay even though I had set my mind on getting married to you, for Rhea I gave up that idea.

(Mon Sep 30 21:50:35 1996 IST):

Ashit: Sanjay...What are your priorities now in life?

(Mon Sep 30 21:50:45 1996 IST):

No folks, Subhasjee is not in the Great Beyond. After trimurti, the poor man is a ghost of himself. What do you expect?

(Mon Sep 30 21:51:00 1996 IST):

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:51:15 1996 IST):

Ananth: In November. film called MAHANTA

Samyukta: Anju ands Priya both are close to me

(Mon Sep 30 21:51:17 1996 IST):

Rhea: Love you too, Madhu.

(Mon Sep 30 21:51:56 1996 IST):

Rhea, you are one helluva spunky kid. What's your birth sign? Sanju: take a break for a moment. I gotta find out Rhea's birthsign?

Sanjay Dutt Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:52:23 1996 IST):

Madhu: Thanks for giving me up, she's worth it.

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:52:56 1996 IST):

Mahanta is bound to create a lot of interest. Do you think Ms Dixit and you can produce the old screen magic again?

Sanjay Dutt. (Mon Sep 30 21:53:32 1996 IST):

Okay guys I've been in court all day , I have to get up early , go to court and go for shooting, love you all and see you all next month. Bye

(Mon Sep 30 21:53:37 1996 IST):

Rhea: It is Cancer.I am a Cancerian.

Ghenghis Khan (Mon Sep 30 21:53:44 1996 IST):

My mongol hordes, how is everybody especially you sunjay?

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:55:18 1996 IST):

Rhea, what's the date kiddo? I am Cancer too!

(Mon Sep 30 21:55:19 1996 IST):

Ashit: Bye Sanjay....take care & all the best for the future!

Samyukta (Mon Sep 30 21:55:59 1996 IST):

Sanju, thanks a ton. See you next month!

Desi Babu (Mon Sep 30 21:56:08 1996 IST):

Do u plan to work for the masses inthe future....and save them from the criminals..I mean politicians

(Mon Sep 30 21:58:56 1996 IST):


(Mon Sep 30 22:00:40 1996 IST):

Ramesh : How do you manage to shoot (films !) under so much of tension ?

Prafulla (Mon Sep 30 22:01:07 1996 IST):

Hi, Sanjay I am comunicating with you from Missississauga ontario Canada.I would like to wish you all the best of luck and also to inform you that I am a great fan of Nargis and Sunil Dutt. I hope that you will follow in their footsteps from now onb Thabk You Prafulla.

Prafulla (Mon Sep 30 22:01:07 1996 IST):

Hi, Sanjay I am comunicating with you from Missississauga ontario Canada.I would like to wish you all the best of luck and also to inform you that I am a great fan of Nargis and Sunil Dutt. I hope that you will follow in their footsteps from now onb Thabk You Prafulla.