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Harish Bharti
McDonald's Beef Case
15June, 1230 EDT
2200 IST

Harish Bharti, Live!

Harish Bharti needs no introduction. In a short span of time, he has won half the battle against one of the world’s greatest brand names McDonald’s.

Bharti had sued McDonald’s alleging the malpractice of lacing its vegetarian items with beef tallow. After an initial denial, McDonald’s admitted that it used beef tallow as a flavoring for its French fries, and then went on to add that it has never called the product as 100% vegetarian.

For Bharti, who claims to represent the 1 million Hindus in the United States, besides the three who have actually joined him in his class-action suit, the fast-food giant’s apology is not sufficient and he is demanding compensation. While Bharti is not divulging the amount he is seeking, it is believed to run into millions.

Does Bharti expect to win the case? Will he settle out of court? What will Bharti do with the money, if he were to win? Why did he sue McDonald’s in the first place?

Find out more, join Harish Bharti on The Rediff Chat on June 15 at 1230 EDT (2200 IST).


Bharti's Beef With McDonald's
The McDonald's Controversy

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