Questions Archbishop Alan de Lastic did not answer
Shree (Fri Jan 22 1999 2:18 IST)
Hi everyone
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:19 IST)
good evening your lordship
Nidhi Sharma (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:20 IST)
Alan De Lasticji: How far Sonia Gandhi is helping the christian organisations?
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:23 IST)
Your Grace, Didn't make a mistake welcoming a debate on coversion? Doesn't it an admission that there is something wrong in our constitution? Conversion was debated threadbare in the Constituent assembly. Why did you bite the Hindutva bait?
Kalandi Sharma (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:23 IST)
Good evening Archbishop: Why do you think this issue of conversions has escalted to such an incriminating dimension in the past month?
Sanjay Naik (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:26 IST)
Alan de Lasticji: Who are more in number among christans. Is it Catholic or Protestans?
Albert (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:27 IST)
Dear Sir, Why the christians have not been able to assert themselves as a dominant force in Indian politics in the last 50 years?
Francis (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:27 IST)
Reverend why do you need to still keep converting people to christainty?
Kalandi Sharma (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:29 IST)
Archbishop: As far as conversions go, isn't it true that there are missionaries in India who do indulge in converting people of the lower strata because they receive financial grants in return from organisations outside the country?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:32 IST)
Christians have been responsible for attacks on temples and hindus, response of hindus has been only retaliatory after being pushed to the wall. Temple set on fire in Dangs VALSAD: A temple was set afire by some miscreants at Padarkhada village, 25 kms from Ahwa town in Dangs district of south Gujarat, late last night. Police said the vandals installed the cross in- the destroyed Hanuman temple. An offence has been registered against about 25 persons in connection with the attack, police said. An incident of stone throwing was also reported from the area, police said adding that no arrests were made so far, reports PTI
Khaleed (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:32 IST)
Dear Sir, I have major grievance against the Christian community in whole. When the BJP and its allies were killing muslims all over India. You and your colleagues were mere spectators and did nothing to come out open against them. Why is it so?
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:33 IST)
Dear Archbishop, Most conversions are undertaken by the Pentecostal groups. They also steal your own sheep. Don't you think the entire Christianity is paying the price for those people, who see no reason to be reasonable?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:33 IST)
Alan de Lastic jee, Why is that christians burn Hindu temples and you don't make any noise about it but shout "persecution" when some chrsitian hut is set on fire?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:36 IST)
De Lastic jee, Here is the Pope's statement, "The Asia Synod will deal with the challenge for evangelisation posed by the encounter with ancient religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. While expressing esteem for the elements of truth in these religions, the Church must make clear "that Christ is the one mediator between God and man and the sole Redeemer of the world". Does this not fan the fires of fanaticism?
Rajeev Shah (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:39 IST)
Dear Sir, I really respect the good work you all do in the villages. But I think you must avoid converting people because then it raises suspicion on your good deeds, isn't it folks? I mean you must not convert people even if they want to do it voluntatrily?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:39 IST)
De Lastic jee, Let us talk about conversions by fraud, that seems to be quite rampant. It is routine for the "missionarises" to spread false stories of miracles of Jesus christ among the illiterate, to show superiority of Jesus over hindu gods. Now is that false too?
Militant (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:41 IST)
Reverend aren't you targetting India because it is the BIGGEST resource still untouched by the Church as yet and thats why you want to convert as many people as possible?? How does mankind benefit by converting to Christainity except the church?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:42 IST)
Rajeev Shah, Humanitarian work only seems to be a smoke screen, The info is available on the web. They have a program called AD2000, where they have goals of how many "FIELDS" they can "HARVEST" and in their programs the need to service people for the sake of service is never mentioned. Fields are the regions in India, Harvest is conversion. this is their lingo.
Cross Eye (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:42 IST)
Dear Sir, what is your opinion on various western nations condemning India for the attacks against Christians here?
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:42 IST)
indira ji.. i know all your questions are directed at rev. de lastic, so forgive me for butting in... i would just like to know how much u know abt these so called 'conversions by fraud' which u claim 'seem' to be rampant... do have any proof, or firsthand knowledge, or it is just hearsay? wld just like to know...
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:43 IST)
De Lastic Jee, stop beeting around the bishop. Temples in Gujrta were burned by Christian militants, How do you respond?
Nidhi Sharma (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:43 IST)
Archbishopji: How much Sonia Ganhi is influencing the christian politics in India?
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:43 IST)
Indira, we are not interested in your explanation. Let the reverend speak. He has so many questions to answer.
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:44 IST)
We seem to be on a 'different' server today. EVERYONE's name is appearing in BOLD .. which is making it difficult to distinguish the Archbishop's answers.
Cross Eye (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:45 IST)
Indian, you took the question out of my mouth... I had the same experience in my moral science class as well, when hte Bible was introduced on the sly. In fact, for three years I would read a chapter from the Bible every night before going to bed. Now I wonder what would happen if a Christian child were to read the Bhagvad Gita before going to bed in his house, what his parents would say to that...
Gabriel (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:46 IST)
Reverend: WHY DO YOU WISH TO CONVERT PEOPLE OF OTHER FAITHS IN ALIEN LANDS TO CHRISTAINTY?? Isn't your agenda to have a Christian world one day?? To rule by religion isn't that the agenda?
Manoj Nair (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:46 IST)
Dear Sir, I would like to know that wehn was the first christans arrived in India?
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:47 IST)
Cross Eye: I am glad to know that I am not the only one to notice this. The 'selling' was so subtle , sometimes I had difficulty recognising it! Now - almost 20 years later - the word 'selling' seems more appropriate than 'teaching'! ;-)
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:47 IST)
Oh, yes. i have lifted off some stories from the web peratining to project AD2000. Here are 2 of them. I cut and paste them. CONERSION BY FRAUD: some examples. He called his circle of friends but they could not do it. So they took him on a Hindu pilgrimage in the hope of cleansing his soul. That did not work. They then took him to the Temple of the Monkey (Hanuman god) next to the Mahi River near to the famous Mahi dam of Rajasthan. By this time Limba was as though dead. He was already bed ridden. They said: Walk seven times around the temple and place him in the holy bath. He was physically sick as well as demon possessed. There was a strange sickly smell coming from him. After the walk around the temple nothing happened. The Hindu priest said he was a lost case. They advised his father to throw him into the river to get rid of him that his soul might merge with the big spirit of the river. His father however, brought him home to his village of Dhuliagarh in the Tehsil of Bagidora in the district of Banswara in Southern Rajasthan. Two EHC evangelists Lauji and Gauji came to the village as part of their literature distribution process. They came to know he was sick and immediately came to the home of Limba. They found that a crowd had already gathered expecting him soon to die. When they saw him they lost heart. He was a pathetic sight, in convulsions and death throes. Suddenly they got a ray of hope when they watched with amazement and saw the man come to his senses for a moment. He started shouting: "Doctors, sir, please heal me because I see many big black giants coming to cut me into pieces." The evangelists understood that this was more than just a physical sickness. The powers of darkness were snuffing out his life. They turned to the crowd that had gathered. They shared about Christ with them They asked them to believe what God could do and to join them in a prayer of faith for Limba. The moment they prayed with that authority. Limba fainted, stinking water oozed out of his pores like a boiled tomato that is squeezed. Within a few hours he became thin. After receiving his healing he was in bed recovering from general weakness. On the seventh day, without anyone teaching him the word he shouted "Hallelujah and began praising God." Now people thought he had gone mad but in fact he was being filled with the Holy Spirit. Limba has been serving the Lord for twelve years. He became the Timothy to Gauji and Lauji. Both Limba and Gauji were at the consultation. He trained and became a volunteer until 1993 when he became a missionary. Now if he does not see a miracle per day he questions his life in the Lord. He is still basically illiterate. He has 15 disciples and has spiritual ownership and responsibility over a group of villages in the Dhuliagarh district. His own people call him Maharaj, which means priest. Let me know if you need more.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:48 IST)
cross eye... why do so many non-christians still hanker after 'convent education'?? if you have a problem with what is taught there, or how it is taught maybe you should not be beating down the doors asking for admission....
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:48 IST)
Indira: .. name the SOURCE ..
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:49 IST)
Where is the archbishop. All I hear is cross eye and crossed talk.
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:49 IST)
Lastic jee, what no response on burning of the temples? Your tender soul is hurt only when a finger is raised at the church or some christian is hurt in the violence?
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:50 IST)
leanne: sadly, it is the missionary zeal that incorporates discipline, good English and a good character that forces SO MANY non-Christians to seek Jesuit education. Which, unfortunately, is not available elsewhere. So we have to take the bones with the soup, (to gnash a metaphor together) so to speak!
Amarnath (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:50 IST)
Your Holiness, what was the government's response when you met the Home Minister? Were you not shocked by his refusal to condemn the VHp and its sinister comrades?
Cross Eye (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:51 IST)
Leanne.. great point... like why would christians want to live in a land that glorifies Saraswati Vandana, after all, no one called the Christians in, why don't they simply go away to another country that stands by their values?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:52 IST)
Leanne jee, i went to one such "chrsitian" school funded by state govt, So you see why it is so pathetic. Our Tax money is funding the chrsistian propaganda.
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:53 IST)
Lastic seems to have lost connection or what?
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:54 IST)
Cross Eye: I dispute that. I am NOT asking for Christians to leave the country. Far from it. They enrich our nation and provide us with MUCH needed cross-pollination of ideas. They are as much a part of India - as, say, the British or the Mughals or Emperor Ashoka (a Buddhist) or Krishna and Rama.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:54 IST)
indian.. all said and done, i think the percentage of people who have been through a christian education and come out of it wanting to convert because of the subtle influence of christianity is miniscule.. if it exists at all... so maybe the fact that the life of christ is taught in christian schools should be looked upon as almost the same as the our history books teaching us about the life of the buddha..
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:55 IST)
I would go so far as to say that I DEPLORE the RSS', VHP's and Bajrang Dal's attacks on Christians. If HINDUISM is SO ALL POWERFUL, why not convince the people the same way that the missionaries do? Using peaceful means?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:55 IST)
If christianity has no caste system and that is why you are trying to convert people why ask for "reservations" for being called "dalit christians" totally a church concoction.
Gabriel (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:56 IST)
Reverend you say Christanity liberates you from sin???? THE MINUTE YOU ARE A CHRISTAIN YOU ARE TAINTED an instant sinner with ideas of purgatory always used to control and monitor your behaviour. We became desendants of the sinners Adam and Eve the fallen ones, how does Christanity liberate? It condemns!
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:57 IST)
indira.. to start with christian schools receive hardly any govt aid... most of the funding comes from the church and the christian community.. so now you know where the aid for your education came from...
Maxmillan Gonsalves (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:57 IST)
Dr de Lastic: The problem with the Catholic leadership is that it is on the defensive when attacks like the one on Christmas Daaay occur. What you should do is assert yourselves. After all, we are not second claass citizens.
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:57 IST)
Lastic, now that you are back, why not answer questions pertaining to attacks on temples and hindus by Christians.
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:58 IST)
leanne: I beg to differ. Hindu schools DO NOT teach about The Buddha as Christian schools teach about Christ. Nowhere is it implied that one should convert to Buddhism (or Jainism) in order to enter the mythical place known as heaven. Au contraire, the missionaries DO TEACH about Christ as the Saviour. About the Bible as being the Word of God. Subtle difference? I think not. It is being as subtle as a SLEDGE HAMMER.
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 6:59 IST)
Mr/Ms Leanne, don't tell me where the funding for my school came from. I KNOW how MY school was supported. I can give out the name of the school though. Mt. Carmel High School, Patna, Bihar.
Manoj Nair (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:0 IST)
But Sir, I would like to point out that how come your institutions are so well funded compared to other religious organizations?
silvi (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:0 IST)
Jesus told that everybody should know him through love. Do you feel that the so-called conversions are giving a negative effect?
venkateshvs (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:1 IST)
sir, why is that the christian convents do not like hindu students not to dress in a hindu way like wearing bindis ,kum kum etc..and insist on reciting verses from the bible isnt this imposing the christian faith ?
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:2 IST)
venkateshvs (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:3 IST)
doesnt the christian missionaries pay their way through conversions?
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:3 IST)
is it true venkateshvs... that Christians in India don't wear these??.. But Christians that.. I am very much an Indian though I am a Catholic. I am proud of my indian culture.
Cross Eye (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:4 IST)
indian, sorry it came out like that... what i was trying to do was to draw a parallel between lianne's question to me, *if you don't want that education, why come there* to *if you don't like living in a land where hindu scriptures are sacred, why live there?* the two questions seemed similar to me.. no, i am not so anti-christian, altho my experiences in the christian education i received have left me cold towards the community
HINDU (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:4 IST)
HINDU (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:5 IST)
well wres the holy father or the holy uncle or whatever
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:5 IST)
lASTIC JEE, why is that for certain postions a "NON-INDIAN" is prefered over an inidan as mentioned in this call for help by the co-ordinator of project AD 2000 Background: Vision: The Bihar Outreach Network Committee met today and worked out the details for the July 29-20 Bihar Harvest Network Conference. The following are some of our objectives: Please pray for these Urgent Needs: 1.We need funds to set up the Coordinating Office in Patna. $1000 for office accommodation, furniture and salary for one office assistant. Another $1500 for setting up a computer, fax, e-mail and other communication facilities. 2.We need a person or couple to work in the office for 3 to 6 months - a person who is good in computer and office administration. Non-Indian is preferable. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3.We need funds to complete the research and publish the two books: A. The People Groups of Bihar. B. Bihar Christian Directory. We need $1000 for research and $ 1500 for publication. SD Ponraj, The Bihar Outreach Network Committee Coordinator
Sunil Krishnan (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:5 IST)
Archbishopji, Will you agree that Convent schools are biased and do not admit non-christan students so easily. I mean if you are a christan you can easily get an admission. Why this biased??
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:5 IST)
Hindu .. his handle here is Archbishop Alan de Lastic.
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:5 IST)
Nobody can be forcibly converted to christianity. We seek only to preach the good news: Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus came to this world to die for sinners (you and me). His blood saves those who believe. He rose from the dead on the third day and is alive today. Jesus will return again - this time as a judge. There will be a day of Judgement when those who did not believe in Him will be thrown into Hell. If you believe these truths with your heart, you will be saved.
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:6 IST)
INDIRA: You claim to have taken these from the Web? Please detail the URL!
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:6 IST)
cross eye.. i'm sorry if u misinterpreted my statement... i never, ever said or implied that i don't like living in a country where hindu scriptures are sacred. i respect hinduism as much as i respect my own religion...
HINDU (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:6 IST)
as far as conver sion is concerned ihave an interesting quote
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:7 IST)
Lastic, so you believe that everyone except the "christians" are leading the life of SIN? Right/
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:7 IST)
Anil Philip, Christ will be less proud of you for saying such thins.
Indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:8 IST)
Leanne your turn will come, i have to open my file to get the URL.
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:8 IST)
Indira : Curiously, you do not seem to have an inkling of knowledge of Christianity. That non-Christians live a life of sin is a given! It is mandated (so to speak)!
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:9 IST)
Dear Your Lordship, I am from Malaysia. I did hear about these attacks toward Christians which happened in India in the recent months. Is it really true? We don't hear that much though. What has the Christian community done towards solving this, or rather stoping this?
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:9 IST)
Vanakkam Caroline!
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:9 IST)
anilphilip... a little restraint might help... pls...
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:10 IST)
leanne: Is this the same Leanne that I know? From the chat rooms?
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:10 IST)
Vanakam Indian...thanks for telling me about this... it is interesting
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:10 IST)
Source for Leanne for the fraudelent conversion stories. Source: AD 2000 Prayer Track News, Vol 7 No. 4
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:11 IST)
Caroline: It would be more interesting if the Lordship would answer shortly but sweetly, instead of lengthy answers!
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:11 IST)
indian.. yep.. it's me...
venkateshvs (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:11 IST)
don't christians have any other work than to convert hindus
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:12 IST)
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:13 IST)
After years of having bible shoved down my throat, i do know that, but the point is who are christians to decide if I am living in sin or not. Moreover, you are absolved of your "sins" if you embrace jesus, meaning you are no longer a sinner.
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:13 IST)
Wher is the archbishop?
venkateshvs (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:13 IST)
when in christian schools children are forced to recite christian prayer,what is wrong in introducing saraswati vandana in schools.
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:14 IST)
hey venkats dont u know hindus are secular while the rest can do whatever they want
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:14 IST)
Jesus said, " I will build my Kingdom and the Gates of Hell shall not stand against it" Dr Lastic: As a leader of the Christian community, I would plead with you to continue to preach the Gospel. If you give people the Bible and the gospel, it is enough. God himself will fight for us because the Bible says, "The battle is the Lord's" Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you". So please teach the people to be Christ-centered and Bible-centered and not to cling to rituals or tradition or even the Pope.
Cross Eye (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:14 IST)
indian, forgive him his trespasses as he forgives those who trespass against him...
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:15 IST)
I am sorry Indira.. Whoever gave u that idea that being a Christian makes u sinles. No one is sinless. I am no better than u are, We are all face with temptations each day.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:15 IST)
hind.. what does a person's religion have to do with his nationality???? this is a secular country...
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:15 IST)
yup where is the holy father in law?
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:16 IST)
People have you seen this report in Times Of India, NEW DELHI: A Christian organisation's newsletter has, by falling into the ``wrong'' hands, added fuel to the conversion controversy for its use of certain words to describe its religious activity in the country. ~~~~~~ Printed by Reverend C George and Dr Alex P Abraham, the newsletter, ``Operation Agape'', has liberally used words like ``conquer'', ``enemy territories'' and ``crusade'' while referring to conversions. About Jammu & Kashmir, the bulletin notes: ``The Lord helped us to conquer many new territories.'' In Punjab, it refers to the authorities not allowing a ``big crusade'' planned by a local pastor. For Himachal, it says: ``This year the Lord helped us to conquer about seven new unchurched tehsils.''
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:16 IST)
secular hahahaha ya right
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:16 IST)
yup indira read it 1-2 days ago
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
well my dear leanne i hope u have an answer to that SECULAR LETTER
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
Indira, I am sorry, your parents wasted money sending you to Carmel School. You seem to have learned nothing.
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
After reading this.. I sometimes feel grateful that i am born here in Malaysia.. and not in India.
venkateshvs (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
where are you o lord
silvi (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
Jesus told that everybody should know him through love. Do you feel that the so-called conversions are giving a negative effect?
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
the fool of a father claims that it should be taken in the spiritual sense
HIND (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:17 IST)
how pathetic
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:18 IST)
Hey, OnLine evnagelist, I am much better than you are, but that is not the point of discussion here. I need answers from the great crusader, the question he would rather avoid, because they make all his lies so transparent.
Mariam (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:18 IST)
Hind don't be ridicluous RELIGION DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH NATINALITY!!!! no matter who said that he was wrong
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:20 IST)
Hey the money came from the GOVT. not my father. Our Govt. is paying for the christian propaganda.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:20 IST)
hind.. i have no answer... i deplore fanaticism in any faith... and i won't deny an edge of fanaticism even in some christians.. but the topic under discussion here is the attacks on christians in gujarat, and that is the work of fanatics as well...
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:20 IST)
That very true Mariam..and Leanne too. Religion has got nothing to do with Nationality!
venki (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:21 IST)
well.. when in christian schools students are taught to behave like christiains why this so?
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:22 IST)
What do u mean by behave like Christians, venki?
Mariam (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:22 IST)
God is Dead I think its hight time started leading our own lives and taking the lead. Goodness comes from within we don't need to follow someone to become good.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:22 IST)
your lordship, please answer indira... the others are more patient.. indira is making it seem that you're avoiding the question...
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:23 IST)
Lastic jee, Here is how one missionary explained the purpose of christian schools, IF THESE SCHOOLS DO NOT CONVERT THEY AT LEAT CREATE PEOPLE WHO ARE SYPATHETIC TO CHRISTIANITY. and this does work given that English media beats its chest everytime a chrsitian hut is brought down but not a murmur when Hindus temples are burned or Hindus attacked by christians.
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:23 IST)
Let the BJP, RSS, VHP, HJM beware. For over 2000 years rulers have tried to stamp out Christianity. From Rome, to Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union, and to China, the Muslim countries and now India. They burnt the Bible, tortured and killed christians. But what happened? Christianity has grown stronger and stronger. those who tried to destroy it have themselves been destroyed eg. Rome, Soviet Union. Today there are 30-50 million christians in the underground church in China and this number is growing.
venki (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:24 IST)
well they are allowed to dress in a indian way...have to recite the bible in the school i studied i had a bible class and was punished severely for failing in it. whats this ? it is imposing ..converting.. selling christ at a young age
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:25 IST)
Lastic, Do you know what is pROJECT AD2000
Caroline (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:26 IST)
If u don't want to do that, then why go to a Christian school?
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:26 IST)
NEW DELHI: A Christian organisation's newsletter has, by falling into the ``wrong'' hands, added fuel to the conversion controversy for its use of certain words to describe its religious activity in the country. ~~~~~~ Printed by Reverend C George and Dr Alex P Abraham, the newsletter, ``Operation Agape'', has liberally used words like ``conquer'', ``enemy territories'' and ``crusade'' while referring to conversions. About Jammu & Kashmir, the bulletin notes: ``The Lord helped us to conquer many new territories.'' In Punjab, it refers to the authorities not allowing a ``big crusade'' planned by a local pastor. For Himachal, it says: ``This year the Lord helped us to conquer about seven new unchurched tehsils.''
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:27 IST)
The reverend escaped without answering crucial questions. Ha. Indira must be really diappointed.
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:27 IST)
So THE ANGEL OF GOD left without ansering a single pointed question. All he did was repeat his lies which he has done on so many occasions on so many forums.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:27 IST)
your lordship... please don't leave so soon...
Indian (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:28 IST)
Enough of the Christian hounding. I submit that the fact that Christians ARE able to gain converts is a pointer to Hindus that they are NOT doing a good job of keeping an egalitarian house. I submit that Hindu parents DO NOT teach their children ANYTHING about Hinduism which is why their sponge-like brains absorb so much of the FOCUSED teachings about Christ from the Jesuit schools. I further submit that it is the CASTE system and the attendant inequities in "secular" Hinduism FORCES many otherwise reluctant Hindus to convert. Any objections?
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:28 IST)
Well, I did not expect anything more. these frauds know what they are doing.
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:29 IST)
indira, let me answer you. yes, the missionary schools preach the gospel. The Holy Spirit who is here inside of each Christian, convicts the person of Sin and of God's love. None of this is forced. I know because I studied in a missionary school myself. A person decides to become a follower of Jesus christ on his own free will.
bharat (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:29 IST)
DearIndira dont you have a mind of your own. why are you pasting bjp muck on to this chat
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:29 IST)
all i would like to say is that i am an indian, and proud of it.. and at the same time i'm a christian... and proud of that too. the 2 need not be mutually exclusive.
venki (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:30 IST)
archbishop> i am of the view that your statements are wrong christianity was almost never india till about 500 years ...with the arrival of the missionaries along with the colonisers of the portugese so please review your facts u must have heard of thebook being published in the uk whose main theme was the potentiality of india for the missionaries to convert with "target areas" with in india for them to focus on this is what indira mentioned as project ad 2000
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:30 IST)
Indira, Let us face. Everyone of us is a fraud, one way or other. You could find answers to most of your questions, if you still hold honesty and truthfulness as worthwhile principles.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:30 IST)
yes indira.. we so-called christian frauds know exactly what we are doing... keeping our peace, because that is the only way we know how to react.
bharat (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:30 IST)
venki, get your history right you have beenr eading the wrong books,it is sure
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:31 IST)
Indian, please also add to it that, HINDUS are the first ones to create HURDLES in the work of HINDUS. You need money to do charity. Whule christians get lot of it from foreign sources, Hindus ahve a hard time getting it even from indian sources. RSS and VHP which is involved in charity work have been demonized sp that thier reputation is sullied and thier financial sources cutt off.
leanne (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:32 IST)
venki.. the first known christian to reach indian shores is st. thomas who arrive here a few yrs after the death of christ.. which is 2000 yrs ago.
Vardhaman (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:32 IST)
Even if Hindus have money, they won't give it away to help another. Charity is not a Hindu virtue, Indira.
indira (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:33 IST)
Don't put words in my mouth. I belive Lastic is a fraud, I DO NOT beleive all christians are fraud. However, if Leanne wants to believe he/she is a fruad that is fine with me, as she knows better what she is.
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:39 IST)
Indira, and all the rest... Jesus died to save you. All of us are sinners. If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:40 IST)
Indira, you have not answered my two posts here.
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:45 IST)
Has everyone left?
AnilPhilip (Fri Jan 22 1999 7:51 IST)
if anyone would like to know more, email me at
rajkumardirru (Fri Jan 22 1999 8:16 IST)
WHo is here?
shabu (Fri Jan 22 1999 16:3 IST)
Dear Indira, I think you are using the principle of "congnate miser" in your arguments. Just wanting to convince yourself with the prejuidices... We are all Indians irrespective of our social, religious, political backgrounds. That's our wealth. Let's not destroy that fabric of our nation.
DesiRani (Fri Jan 22 1999 20:4 IST)
DesiRani (Fri Jan 22 1999 20:4 IST)
i think i missed this chat!
subhash (Fri Jan 22 1999 20:29 IST)
Hi!is chat still in progress
subhash (Fri Jan 22 1999 20:30 IST)
ami i late
subhash (Fri Jan 22 1999 20:31 IST)
hello anyone there