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Ashok Amritraj - I
Ashok Amritraj
Movie Producer
Thu, 8 June, 1900 EDT
Fri, 9 June, 0430 IST

Ashok Amritraj, Live

Former tennis champ Ashok Amritraj is a hotshot Hollywood producer today. His latest film is a comedy What's The Worst That Could Happen? starring Martin Lawrence and Danny de Vito.

With partner David Hoberman in Hyde Park Entertainment, Amritraj has produced three other big budget films that are to be released this year. Among them is Bandits starring Bruce Willis and directed by Oscar-winner Barry Levinson.

Amritraj says he has been able to survive in the entertainment industry for over 15 years because of the discipline he acquired as a tennis player -- and the stability he has got in his 10-year-old marriage with Chitra.

Would he make another film in India? His last venture in India, Jeans was a success in the south but flopped in the north.

"Not an Indian movie, at least not in the near future," he replies. "Making an Indian movie is too consuming. But I would love to make a Hollywood movie, with one of my friends like Pierce Brosnan or Jackie Chan."

Amritraj, who has already appeared on The Rediff Chat once earlier has agreed to an encore on The Rediff Chat and face the volleys while promising to serve up aces himself. Find out how he achieved success in the fiercely competitive world of Hollywood films, his future plans, and his links with India.

On The Rediff Chat on Thursday, 8 June, at 1900 hours EDT (9 June, 0430 hours IST).

Read Interview: Amritraj Makes a Movie Bill Gates May Not Like

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