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Questions Mammotty did not answer

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:48 IST)
Where the mind is without fear and head is held high

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:48 IST)
Where the knowledge is free

Azrael (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:48 IST)
Mammotty: Why indian films have songs and dances in them? why not people in india make hollywood kinda films free of songs n dances

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:49 IST)
where the mind is not broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:49 IST)
it is becoz' films are meant to be imaginary..

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:50 IST)
where the clear stream of reason has not lost its path in dreary desert sand of dead habit

Gopinathan (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:50 IST)
Do you agree that we have not made any outstanding film on our freedom struggle which is unique in history in many ways. If you do, what do you attribute it to?

R Menon (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:51 IST)
Is Shri Mammotty in? Hullo, sir, what are your impressions on this, the 50th anniversary of our freedom?

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:51 IST)
where the tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection....

Ravikc (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:52 IST)
Mammootty, It is kind of appropriate that you are talking to us on this 5Oth I-day. Afterall you were the main actor in freedom struggle based movies such us Mathilugal and 1921. Greetings!

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:52 IST)
into the world of freedom, my father let my country awake

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:53 IST)
that's great....

Abdul Kunju (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:53 IST)
Namasakaram, saar! It is an honour to meet with one of the truly fine actors we have. I was curious: There is a lot of controversy about Dr Ambedkar now and you have just played him in Dr Jabbar Patel's film. What is your assessment of Babasaheb?

mbulusu (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:56 IST)
happy 15th August to everyone....

Gopinathan (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:57 IST)
You being a serious actor, i am sure, during your recent work on Ambedkar, you must have studied his life in depth. What is your reaction to the accusation that he is a "false god"?

Ravikc (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:58 IST)
Mammootty, I said earlier that you were appropriate for today's chat as you acted in revolution based movies like mathilugal and 1921. Greetings!

kalyan (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:59 IST)
Mammootyji, Arun Shourie has conclusively proved in his book that Ambedkar did nothing for India's freedom and that he was always pro-British. What do you feel about that? Don't you think Gandhiji and other congressmen were not doing enough for the harijans?

S R Iyer (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:59 IST)
THANK YOU SIR! What are your earliest recollections of freedom? Were you born before 1947? When did the feeling of being an Indian first hit you?

Sandeep (Thu Aug 14 1997 23:59 IST)
Do you think that people are understanding the idea of Independence day in India?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:0 IST)
What do you think of caste-based reservations?

mbulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:0 IST)
lot of people i met in US have complained me saying that how is it possible for a hero to change his attire so many times within a song...

Sandeep (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:1 IST)
Happy Independence Day everybody. Sandeep

mbulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:1 IST)
but i fired them back saying it is a paradigm shift...

R Menon (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:3 IST)
What is the one thing that makes you proud of being an Indian?

R Menon (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:4 IST)
Why are you speaking in solitary sentences, Mammottysaar? We are expecting some long interesting responses from you...

Ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:4 IST)
Mammotty, my grandmother is a big fan of yours. In fact she uses your movies as anecdotes for several instance. She'd be delighted to know that I chatted with you. Do you have anything to convey to her? I live about 10,000 miles from the wonderful woman!

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:4 IST)
Mammootyji, who is your favourite actor and actress in Indian films? In Hindi films? Internationally? From the bygone era?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:6 IST)
Mammootyji, who is your favourite director, past and present?

Abdul Kunju (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:6 IST)
Namasakaram, saar! It is an honour to meet with one of the truly fine actors we have. I was curious: There is a lot of controversy about Dr Ambedkar now and you have just played him in Dr Jabbar Patel's film. What is your assessment of Babasaheb? How satisfying was the part? Was it the most difficult role you have played?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:6 IST)
Mammootyji, who are the actors who you haven't worked with and would like to work with?

radha (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:6 IST)
Happy Independence Day to all...

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:6 IST)
Mammootyji, who are the directors who you haven't worked with and would like to work with?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:7 IST)
Mammootyji, which director did you enjoy working with the most?

Abdul Kunju (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:7 IST)
Sorry, I did not see your post about the Ambedkar film. I hope it is not an attempt to steer clear of controversy. That would be very unMammotty-like. How do you react to being a Muslim in free India?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:8 IST)
Mammootyji, What do you think of caste-based reservations?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:8 IST)
Mammootyji, who is your favourite actor and actress in Indian films? In Hindi films? Internationally? From the past era?

Lakshmi Nayar (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:8 IST)
Have you done anything special on this golden jubilee celebrations or is this Rediff chat your only contribution?

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:9 IST)
What role would you take up in rebuilding our nation?

Sandeep (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:9 IST)
Will you be interested in entering politics?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:10 IST)
Mammottyji, why haven't you done more Hindi films after Dhartiputra?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:11 IST)
Mammootyji, who are the actors who you haven't worked with and would like to work with?

nikkk (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:13 IST)
lame... celebration here .. folks look ahead .. not at the past 50 .. thats where we fail

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:13 IST)
but i am sure that we will emerge oneday as a monolithic force....

Ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:14 IST)
Thanks Mammotty! Btw, you seem to be shy of addressing my grandma. Just joking! She's happily married!. :-)

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:15 IST)
when a small town in india will not sleep at 7:00 pm i think i will have all the more reasons to smile..

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:15 IST)
Mammootyji, why is it that art films are successful in Kerala but not elsewhere in India?

Sandeep (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:17 IST)
Are you interested in entering politics?

Vishveshwar Iyer (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:18 IST)
Mammootysaar, what does 50 years of independence mean to you?

Ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:18 IST)
Mammotty, I suspect that you are not very comfortable with this medium. But you did a convincing job of a computer scientist is a movie (can't remember the name). You do some morphosis stuff in it.

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:18 IST)
Mammootyji, which director did you enjoy working with the most?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:18 IST)
Mammootyji, who is your favourite actor and actress in Indian films? In Hindi films? Interationally? From the bygone era?

sunil (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:20 IST)
Celebrating 50th year of Indian Independence, what have you got to offer to the nation?

Bino Jos (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:21 IST)
Mammootty, How do you rate your performance in New Delhi? I think it was one of your good works.

Vishveshwar Iyer (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:21 IST)
Kalyan, if you've ever read Mamooty's interviews, you will realise that he is a very reticent chap, comfortable with monosyllabic answers. I would have been suspicious if he was giving long, lucid answers.

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:22 IST)
Mammottyji, that sounds like a threat:-)

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:23 IST)
Mammotty, did you learn kalari payyattu for the movie "Oru Vadakkan Veera Gatha"?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:24 IST)
Mammottyji, why are you not answering film based questions? I would love to see you in a Hindi movie. There is a much bigger audience in Hindi movies. Why didn't you try any big Hindi movie after Dhartiputra? Or did you?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:25 IST)
Mammotty, Raj Kapoor said he lives and breathes cinema. What do you breathe? ;-)

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:26 IST)
Mammootyji, why is it that art films are successful in Kerala but not elsewhere in India?

pradeep (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:26 IST)
Which is your latest film

Lachu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:26 IST)
Are you going to enter politics?

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:26 IST)
Mammotty, we will have to start an angam now if you don't tell us whether you learnt kalari payattu! ;-)

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:27 IST)
Mammottyji, why are you not answering film-based questions? I would love to see you in a Hindi movie. There is a much bigger audience in Hindi movies. Why didn't you try any big Hindi movie after Dhartiputra? Or did you?

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:27 IST)
what is this kuloos????

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:28 IST)
Goodbye and happy independence day to all. I am going to go talk to a rock. I think I'll have a better chance of a response there ;-)

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:28 IST)
Malayalam arayanooda... swalpa-swalpa arayam.

Jameer (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:28 IST)
MR Mammotty: I am a Pakistani national. And, I want a sincere opinion. Do you feel secularism in India is bullshit. Because on one side, I see actors like you, Shahrukh, Aamir and Salman. And on the other hand, I see that BJP, the right wing communal party going strong in India....

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:29 IST)
Kuloos!! No wonder, everybody says Malayalees are smartasses! :-) Funny

vidyadharan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:29 IST)
When he was a lawyer, he held forth at length. Now his cynicism is showing

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:29 IST)
Mammotty, how do you rate your chances in politics?

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:29 IST)
i think jameer doesn't know anything about india.. he just knows few names to frame a sentence....

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:30 IST)
Looks like Mr Mammotty only has time for Malayalees. It is sad that even 50 yrs after independence some of us have not given up the regional attitude!

vidyadharan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:31 IST)
Yes, yes, Malus. Do you, by any chance, have one of those convex mental mirrors in your house, the variety that makes you see yourself as bigger than the man on the street. Do you also, just BTW, shoot those street children who dirty your car? Or do you desist only because its against the law?

Kareem (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:31 IST)
Jameer: You have seen only these two sides. You are yet to understand INDIA!

Jadhva (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:31 IST)
Mr Mamooty: How did you bag the Ambedkar role????

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:31 IST)
What else is secularism... probably India is the only country that can be secular on this globe.. In fact it has been and i am sure it will continue to be.....

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:32 IST)
political ideals of a party cannot be mistaken for their hatred towards a particular community....

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:33 IST)
Mr Mammotty, can you prove it to us that you are the real one?

sheetal (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:34 IST)
When are you expecting your next award?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:36 IST)
My final goodbye. If this is the real Mammotty I am extremely disappointed by his attitude. I shouldn't have stayed awake till 3 AM in the east coast. Looks like what the film magazines say about him is true.

vidyadharan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:36 IST)
Serious q again: You seem to have attracted some flak for your role in Bhootakannadi. Could it have something to do with the fact that you could not relate completely to the role of a schizophrenic? Or have the critics not quite understood the character, the oversensitive father who degenerates into mindless fear?

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:37 IST)
mammotyji, aap ko hindi maloom hi kya?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:37 IST)
vidyadharan, do you expect answers to serious questions from M. You shd know better.

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:38 IST)
Mammotty, I think malayalam movie industry is fortunate in the sense that it has got very good directors, story writere. lyricists, musicians and actors. Not many other languages have that kind of talent. Good as you are, you are very fortunate to be there.

Kareem (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:38 IST)
Rediff says you are the first one to get connected to internet in Madras. It is hard to believe. Anyhow, would you mind telling us your e-mail address?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:39 IST)
I can say with confidence that Mammotty has logged off without the decency of a goodbye.

bulusu (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:41 IST)
kalyan, jo hogaya, so hogaya... ab thum tension muth le.....

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:43 IST)
Don't be so hard on Mammotty folks. This chat and the computer itself must be new to him. And quite overwhelming. Not to mention the speed of his connection.

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:44 IST)
I can say with confidence that Mammotty has logged off without even the decency of a goodbye. The egos of these so-called superstars is too much!

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:44 IST)
Mammotty, I held off your wild fans while you were away. Glad you are back.

BULUSU (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:45 IST)
Kalyan.... from where have you acquired this ire....

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:45 IST)
Mammootyji, who is your favourite actor and actress in Indian films? In Hindi films? Internationally? From the past era?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:49 IST)
Mammooty, which director did you enjoy working with the most?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:50 IST)
Mr M, do you live and breathe Cinema? :)

BULUSU (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:50 IST)
Mammottyji, what is the single most cause you will fight for if you have to help india out the way you can....

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:51 IST)
Sure Mammotty, I'll be knocking at your doors, come, Sept 14. I'll be the topless potbellied guy with a topikudah!

Kareem (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:51 IST)
I am from Oman. You have been to here last year for a stage show. It was interrupted for some reason. Would you be coming Oman again?

RaviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:53 IST)
Mammotty, which singer's voice suits your roles most?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:56 IST)
Mammootyji, why is it that art films are successful in Kerala but not elsewhere in India?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:56 IST)
Mammootyji, which director did you enjoy working with the most?

revathi (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:57 IST)
Why is that u have not worked much in hindi films, what do you think of the hindi films that are produced today?

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:58 IST)
Mammotty, there are great directors like Govind Nihalani, Shyam Benegal, Prakash Jha etc who would love to work with an actor like you.

revathi (Fri Aug 15 1997 0:59 IST)
Do you see yourself working with other Hindi directors like Shyam Benegal?

raviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:0 IST)
Mammotty, has it rained recently in madras?

john (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:0 IST)
Hope you don't mind being corrected. But all schizophrenics are not dress conscious. Only those suffering from obsessive neuroses, as I suspect Mr. Lohitadas does, going by an interview of him I read.

kalyan (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:0 IST)
I am a schizophreniac and I don't care for dress code ;-)

raviKc (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:1 IST)
Thanks Mammotty, I see your difficulties. The connection can be real frustrating. Bye and Jai Hind!

James (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:2 IST)
Hi Mr.Mammootty...What is your new movie?

sharik (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:3 IST)
hi! mammotty! do you feel the movie in which you play dr. ambedkar has shaped up well? do you think it can do well in the commercial circle too?

James (Fri Aug 15 1997 1:5 IST)
Hi Mammooty.. Are you a frequent internet user? Did you visit the Kerala Home Page we publish from San Francisco, California.