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The Rajiv Rai Chat![]() test (Tue Jul 1 1997 19:29 IST) hello!! Rediff On The NeT (Tue Jul 1 1997 19:47 IST) RAJIV RAI HAS JUST LEFT HIS OFFICE. HE MAY BE A LITTLE LATE, POSSIBLY BY 20 MINUTES. PLEASE STAY LOGGED IN. ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:6 IST) Hello Rediff AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:7 IST) Hi! Rediff... Any plans to get Mr. Khushwant Singh on-line someday? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:8 IST) Hello Rediff AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:10 IST) Hello ace... Where from? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:11 IST) Hi test, anurag, maurya, Jayesh Godambe & AGRAHARA ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:11 IST) Agra, I m from Delhi, India. Are u from Agra by any chance? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:12 IST) Why is every1 so quiet? AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:13 IST) No way, Jose! I am in Dallas, Texas NIKHIL LAKSHMAN (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:14 IST) Hullo, Mr Rai. Welcome to the the Rediff Chat. It's great having a star director on the show! ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:14 IST) Agrahara, r u there? where r u from? Rajiv Rai (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:14 IST) Hi everyone, I'm ready for your questions. So shoot. MAST MAST (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:15 IST) Hi, Rajiv, so what is Gupt all about? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:15 IST) Nikhil, u have to wait for ur star! AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:15 IST) So how is the weather in Delhi buddy? Is is still hot and muggy. I hear the monsoons are on their way. They are actually in Agra now! How is the pollution level? How is Rodeo doing? Has TGIF become popular yet? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:16 IST) Hi rajiv TRIDEV (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:16 IST) Mr Rai, why have you chosen a murder mystery this time when your forte has been action films? Oye Oye (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:17 IST) Rajiv, great talking to the Indian Spielberg. In the US, we haven't heard too much about your music. Is it a super hit, like Tridev? ace (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:17 IST) yeah i heard that. i m missing the heat and monsoon of Delhi. I m in UK. AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:18 IST) Rajiv, Is it true that a good looking woman can be a good actress if she is willing to sleep with a rich Producer? Johny Mera Naam (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:19 IST) Tell me, why do guys like you -- with obvious talent -- just copy Hollywood? Why not make some original movies yaar? anurag sharma (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:19 IST) Rediff: I had logged in before as "anurag" then logged out and when I wanted to get back again, it said that this "handle" is being used. Please make changes to your s/w that deletes a name from the list that is no longer logged on. (Just a friendly suggestion) Jayesh Godambe (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:20 IST) Hi Ace MAST MAST (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:20 IST) How is Mrs Rai (Sonam) doing? Why keep such a good-looking woman away from the klieg lights? I didn't think you would be just another Punju male! anurag sharma (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:21 IST) Rajiv: It seems you put more emphasis on songs as compared to the script of the movie? Would you say this is true? AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:21 IST) Come on Mr Pretend Rai... Answer my question please. Jayesh Godambe (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:21 IST) Where is everybody from? I am from chicago Rajiv Rai (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:21 IST) Mast Mast: Gupt is a murder suspense thriller, very difficult storyline to define. Lots of music and romance and a very dramatic end. Tridev: I won't be doing many action films in the future, which are only action. I'm trying to reach out to a larger audience .With action you are restricted purely to the masses. Whereas Gupt is for a larger audience . I'm hoping women will like the film. And I can make better money. Johny Mera Naam (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:21 IST) Rajiv, this chap Bobby Deol, he was a disaster in Barsaat. I mean, I puked seeing him on screen. How come you signed him on? What were the qualities you saw in him when you signed him on? anurag sharma (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:22 IST) RAJIV: How was Kajol to work with? Did you find Manisha too stand-off-ish? When I met her in Washington, I found her to be snobbish and boorish! What is your opinion of her? Toto (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:22 IST) Hello from Bahrain Oye Oye (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:22 IST) Interesting the point about money. Is money your prime concern when you make movies? Are there no artistic considerations at all? Is this a legacy of your pa? NANDINI (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:24 IST) Hi, there Mr Rajiv! Could we begin at the beginning, please? LIke, WHY, all this secrecy about the film? It is not as if this is the first big-budget film.. were you afraid somebody was gonna steal your story or something? C'mon don't flatter yourself like that! TRIDEV (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:25 IST) Mr Rai, why have you chosen a murder mystery this time when your forte has been action films? Rajiv Rai (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:25 IST)
Agrahara: Sleeping with producers is a myth. Unless the producer has a goodlooking girlfriend who wants to act. Sleeping with a producer doesn't make you a good actress, neither does being goodlooking.
AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:26 IST) When does the real Rajiv Rai get in? Whosoever he is!... Raveena (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:26 IST) Rajiv, your film songs are a quite a hit. Do you choose the music for your films? Jayesh Godambe (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:27 IST) Could u mention the supporting cast of Gupt? Villian? The posters only show Bobby Deol, Kajol and Manisha? anurag sharma (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:28 IST) What made you select Bobby for this film? I can't remember you using a brand new actor (with no hits to their credit) as a male hero before? He was horrible in Barsaat. What did you see in him to select him? NANDINI (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:28 IST) Mr Rai, sir, mind answering my simple question: Why all this secrecy about your movie? AGRAHARA (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:28 IST) Oops! That's disappointing. I was actually hoping for a different answer. U smashed all my hopes to be a Bollywood actress!! TRIDEV (Tue Jul 1 1997 20:29 IST) Mr Rai.. how did you convince Kajol and Manisha to act together? Reportedly, they both are very temperamental and they must have given you hell on the sets. Did they?
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