The company's total income declined to Rs 35,777 crore (Rs 357.77 billion) in the second quarter of 2014-15, from Rs 36,645 crore (Rs 366.45 billion) a year earlier. Its expenses also fell to Rs 33,564 crore (Rs 335.64 billion) from Rs 34,384 crore (Rs 343.84 billion) a year earlier.
Tata Steel on Wednesday reported 37 per cent rise in consolidated net profit to Rs 1,254.33 crore (Rs 12.54 billion) for the July-September quarter mainly on account of proceeds from land sale worth Rs 1,146.86 crore (Rs 11.46 billion).
The world's 11th biggest steelmaker had clocked Rs 916.77 crore (Rs 9.16 billion) net profit in the corresponding quarter of the last fiscal, it said in a statement.
The profit of the company before exceptional item and tax stood at Rs 1,302 crore (Rs 13.02 billion), from Rs 1,398 crore (Rs 13.98 billion).
Tata Steel's total income declined to Rs 35,777 crore (Rs 357.77 billion) in the second quarter of 2014-15, from Rs 36,645 crore (Rs 366.45 billion) a year earlier. Its expenses also fell to Rs 33,564 crore (Rs 335.64 billion) from Rs 34,384 crore (Rs 343.84 billion) a year earlier.
Total tax expenses of the company, however, rose to Rs 1,175 crore (Rs 11.75 billion) from Rs 447 crore (Rs 4.47 billion) a year earlier.
Last March, Tata Steel Board had declared Oberoi Realty as the highest bidder of the auction on the basis of their final bid of Rs 1,155 crore (Rs 11.55 billion).
The conclusion of the deal took time for obtaining requisite permissions.