The Delhi High Court on Wednesday asked the Air India pilots, who went on strike on Tuesday night seeking higher pay and better conditions, to call off their agitation.
Justice Gita Mittal barred the pilots from resorting to any kind of demonstration, following an urgent hearing an AI management's plea against the srtike.
Justice Mittal asked the striking pilots to resume work for "larger public interest."
During the hearing, AI management's counsel Sanjay Gupta submitted the strike was illegal and not only caused loss to the company but went against
Appearing for the Indian Commercial Pilots Association, advocate Sanjay Ghosh contended the issue of pay parity of agitating pilots, largley belonging to Indian Airlines, with those who originally belonged to Air India before the merger of two airlines, has not been considered by the management.
He said the pilots have been demanding implementation of Justice S C Dharmidhikari's committee report on pilots' pay issue but the management has failed to consider it.
At this, Justice Mittal pulled up the management for the delay in considering the issue but asked the striking pilot to withdraw their strike forthwith.