Gold prices on Wednesday rose for the fourth straight day by adding Rs 135 to Rs 31,500 per 10 gram on steady buying by stockists for the marriage season amid a higher global cues.
Silver also extended gains for the fifth day by adding Rs 50 to Rs 48,300 per kg on increased offtake by industrial units.
Traders said sentiment remained bullish as stockists increased their positions to meet the seasonal demand.
They said firming global trend, where gold rose to 17-week high after US economic data missed estimates and unrest in emerging markets boosting haven demand, further fuelled the uptrend.
Gold in Singapore, which normally sets price trend on the domestic front, rose by by 0.4 per cent to $1,345.46 an ounce, the highest since October 30 and silver by 0.6 per cent to $21.98